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Everything posted by Bwanasoft

  1. lool you talk about one screen. I search for adatpter then i bench again with valit link. nasty there gives more benches with stupid screens, but i now it gives some some problem with add on´s or themes. But nice you comes from 3Dmark01 screens up to CPU Screen. What comes next ? End for me here , i use the time for benches or edit Database for hwbot.
  2. Okay back to Topic you see i learn about this and this benches before i mod, when everybody have any Questions i learn about this. Benches as Mod are i think perfect CPU Z Valit Link http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=345379 3D Benches with Details http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=723749 what comes next ? I can to what i want, for some one is all to bad.
  3. With Dual Monitor you can switch tasbar where you want and what. Yes Voltmod & Modbios. After the Palomino Mistake i use only CPUZ valit links. I have learnt about this.
  4. Yes you can have the warranty bill from AMD ! 3rd CPU - and one is here for change at RMA. All screens with the football are on Multimonitor.
  5. You can save it or i can it mail no prob but i hate the discussion about my benches than delete and make new but i was never at ripping.org ? ? ?
  6. yes when you upload the cpuz file comes no voltage - when is verified i become the link - iss the file damaged and not verfified you see only the Pic and the mark not verified - and at my account iss no link about damaged cpuz i have watched but at account only verified links. this iss verified http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=186341 but next higher cpu z file damaged
  7. loool CPU Z file killed at upload not verified - than no link no id - save pic thats the result - long time ago at ripping.org must stand my old one with 38xx - cooled with mach2 - this cooled with mach2 gt. Same Problem like Knopflerbruce - CPU killed waiting about warranty NOT PAINT ! Do you not Understand !!! This CPU iss here - need Adapter than i bench it again ! with valit CPU Z LINK FILE wahtever you want.
  8. loool i think you can not read i have only blocked your Wprime with version 1.58 the other two you must learn to read 29 Mar 2008 01:48 created tiborrr manual online submission 31 Mar 2008 12:08 modified tiborrr manually modified by owner (tiborrr) - reason: no reason given 12 Apr 2008 01:59 insufficient verification (crew) NeoForce insufficient verification (no resolution of passed test is shown) 29 Mar 2008 01:48 created tiborrr manual online submission 31 Mar 2008 12:08 modified tiborrr manually modified by owner (tiborrr) - reason: no reason given 12 Apr 2008 01:59 insufficient verification (crew) NeoForce insufficient verification (no resolution of passed test is shown) I give you last warning - don´t attack me personal - i make only my job when you can read, watch the logfile ( little book under the bench right side ) if everyone say wrong submission the mods become mail or the bench is yellow marked - then whe watch and make Your job. Okay nice to hear from you
  9. somebody says i use my moderator status to fake benches, i come to hwbot team after this benches - but nobody off hwbot use status to fake benches - nobody. This benches are on Epox 8rda3+ with voltmod and modbios ( need for 2,2 Volt MACH Single Stage ) - goes only one Ram Bank rest killed. at the moment i have here http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=311707 http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=311706 http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=311704 what you mean is the bug at combination CPU Z - Mainboard But this is out of Discussion benches dekete and rebenched.
  10. think over 130 can count it but Problem at my apparment run 8 PC and 1 Laptop, at Basement my Server ant finished S462 - S775 - S775 AGP - S478. And my Chest Box, i count it. But no Score is Blocked - Tiborr means this scores are Painted !
  11. We don´t talk about CPU Benches that´s a, delete is b, benched long time before i stay as hwbotmoderator The problem is the combination of this, but this bench is delete and new benched with new board http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=697023 for example Mainboard EPOX 8 RDA3+ CPU MP 1700 Palomino 2,2 Volt diffrent version of CPU Z tell´s diffent CPU´s - and know ? CPU Z have bugs ! Not my problem ! That´s why i use every Time the newest version. I have Intern post CPU Z Valit Links - and i think moderators can say yes Bwana have more CPU´s than normaly. Many CPU`S are from Customer where i fixed the Computers, and i bech it for me ! If this not allowed than i Cheat ! http://www.hwbot.org/quickSearch.do?hardwareId=CPU_387 this CPU stay here for repair. Graka Killed. When it´s fixed goes back to Customer - Computer Works Fine and all be Happy ! Most of my S462 CPU´s are from a friend who works at AMD / Dresden, when he comes i ask about new Benches and i hope you can sleep than.
  12. I give the admins signs about my Benches there more problem i had with the S462 Board i say delete i bench it new no problem before everyone talk bad about hwbotmoderators. This Problem where only on my old Epox Board Rev 1.0 - and with CPU Z Versions. Next Problem was the Dualscreen Bench PC ( Taskbar Issue ) More Aktive Windows ( Make a Video aout this ) Be Shure when i want to Fake a Screen i can to do it and you found o Mistake. I Know more about PC like someone here, I Build and sell Computers over 10 Years. But found nice Link and here for speciell Friends http://home.arcor.de/maennermagnet/bmp/ I hope i help and hwbot is out of discussion - be shure Jmke is the first who tell´s bann.
  13. and Tiborr watch the screens 1. Version 1.58 2. Pic means Screenshot not Digicam Photo - loool 3. Watch the Popup Screen you need CPU-Z for settings of RAM ! I have it blocked only one say Wrong Version,when you have 1.55 used - i have it not blocked about missing RAM Settings. Ey and before you talk about Pics watch your entries no Resoluiton - no RAM Settings and you use Overall Edititon - this can blocked - when everybody says need more proof the blocked be Shure ! http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=716407 loool nasty http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=580472 loooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  14. Yes but iigtit paint screens i´m not.
  15. I say i go from hwbot - no Problem. but i bench more and then ?
  16. What´s up now ? Iss somebody here who want´s attack me because i block scores ??? 1. I never Paint any Screen. 2. I never Flash any Card like some other Guys. 3. I use only Free Edition, and when i use Pro or Advanced you can see the details. 4. Watch the Pics - 3DMark01 runs all seven test´s. 5. I´m Hardwarereseller and i have lot of Hardware from Customer or Friends. 6. I´m Cooling with Waterchiller and MACH II Single Stage ( i have three of them, but one iss killed at the moment ) 7. I buy exact Hardware to test it and then i Sell it ( For Points and found Flasher. 8. Watch my entries about Wprime - I lost over 40 Ones about this Rules. 9. All can come to me and bench my Hardware in my Basement - no Problem. 10 i have over 100 CPU´s diffrent Systems, 9 Mainboards - from old to new ( XFX 790 Ultra with DDR3 - thats stupid stuff for 3D Benches ) At Saturday i make Pics from Basement and stuff only for some Guys. Paniting 3DMark lool and the other Benches ? Read my Sig an you can read what i think about somebody. End of Discussion from me. I have never Cheat or Paint a Screen.
  17. added & moved
  18. fixed and changed the bot search words
  19. i add the card next time and switch the entries but Veld you don´t get GOLD back.
  20. Thx to all.
  21. Nice very Nice !
  22. added and edit
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