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Everything posted by pcnazz

  1. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1661327
  2. Sorry Fox but this run is no good , you can not use pictures , has to be a screen shot . Please remove this and run it again . I'm not reporting it , I'm giving you a heads up here . Thanks you .
  3. This processor looks really good Rocco and impressive on room temp cooling ! I may get one .
  4. Congrats on LN2 move & nice work with it oldtimer !
  5. Temporary cooled by one MCR240 !
  6. Good 21+ point start at hwbot jc , keep it going my man .
  7. nice going jc , put yourself on our team please Overclock.net
  8. New i7 970 today I got it , this run is not dialed in .
  9. thanks Crantana , just got one of them 5970's today & wb is on the way .
  10. One Asus HD5970 & One MSI Lightning II HD5870
  11. Okay Ximi , I do it a bit different but it works and thanks for having me try RBE for this job again . Check out cores 0 & 1 1200Mhz CCC limits . I may do a complete thread on how to mod any bios soon . Here is a sample with my one 5970 cores unlocked , this run is with low cpu frequency's for testing 5970 new core frequency capabilities . At 1055mhz I am at 1.299v , room temp H20 . Anyone owing a 5970 that can do 1000mhz I recommend unlocking its core frequency to really wake up your card for mainly Vantage runs .
  12. yep that's how i also do it plus i hit dir to see my files , next run I'm gonna -f . When I got my Asus 5970 upon its release date RBE wouldn't uplimit my cores . Hopefully it will now .
  13. Ximi , I went in DOS with the RBE uplimited clocks files and flashed and said reboot to complete but upon reboot nothing at all . I'm waiting for a card in the mail so I can recover original bios . Surprised it didn't flash the RBE bios files . This time I will add -f in the command . Today or tomorrow I will be able to recover and try again on the modded bios . I sent you a pm also .
  14. Ximi , Just went in DOS and -s 0 cores 0 & 1 no problem but when I went to -p 0 core 0 I got error " E0FL01 " ? BUMP: I had the stick FAT32 , I formatting stick again FAT , other then that Ximi I should be home free if the RBE files take . Be back with pic's of both cores unlocked .
  15. Yep , I have a DOS stick formatting as we speak Ximi . I added all the HP files to the Drive Key , taking long time to format .
  16. Ximi , when I'm in RBE and search for winflash RBE finds it but winflash freezes my rig as soon as its found or when I open up winflash on its own it does the same thing freezing my rig , I'm on windows 7 64 bit and I'm bullet proof stable . I'll use atiflash then , I wanted to try the winflash with RBE , oh well .
  17. Ximi , I got core 0 & 1 bios saved with RBE at 1200 / 1500 mhz core . Now I need to set up my flash drive with ATI flash and the new bios files and go to DOS and flash .
  18. Yep , I know how but that area is grayed out on me for Methods 1 & 2 . I can change the core & memory freq. but I cant save it .
  19. I set up RBE Ximi . I have an issue however , not being able to set the upgrade core clocks , I was going for 1200mhz core like you did but its not allowing any upgrade . Also I'm really bugged that AMD Tool will take core 0 to over 1000mhz but will not take core 1 under or higher then 1000mhz , just fails when set . Any thoughts Ximi ?
  20. You need a 32 bit os for RBE still , Ximi ?
  21. It does see both my 5970 cores but it will only set core 0 to over 1000Mhz and not core 1 . I also had cq who tried it on his 5970's and it does the same as mine , only core 0 will go over 1000MHz . I see guys on HWBOT with 5970 submissions over 1000mhz core speed . Hopefully someone knows S_A_V .
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