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Im not sure if this is the correct place, if not please move.


I need some clarification on 3d05 submissions.


hwbot rules state that this benchmark should be run at 'default' settings.

meaning, dont change anything in the settings of the benchmark. Thats the way I have always run it.


When I look at the results for the benchmark I see the majoruty of users have the cpu tests disabled? including the top guys.


I just re-checked the rules and it clearly says 'default settings' also the screenshot hwbot provide as an example show cpu tests enabled?


heres my score. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=752026


If you follow the orb link you can see 'cpu' tests were completed.


If we are playing 'by the rules' then a mod needs to go through these scores [3d05] check the orb links you will see many many have cpu tests disabled, including as I said some or most of the top guys.


If cpu tests dont need to be run then please change the rules advice for that benchmark, then I and others would not need to strees our cpus unneccarily.



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