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My scores and ranking were dropping slowly in March 2018 at the end of March to the second week of April dropped like a rock. Why?

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Hi to Admins and all,

I sent a private message to Christian Ney about a one month ago with no response yet. I have issue that my name on the forum was changed by the system. I did change it and want my name as before. I want Medico, no Medico_ (I do not want underscore, just Medico as was before). I hope the person able to resolve this issue address this part of the topic.

The main issue is my enthusiast score and rankings and dropped like a rock and I want to know why. Is it there a chance of miscalculation and all my scores are messed up? On March 15, 2018 my score for world ranking was 1,089.65 and ranking 145, hardware masters 1316, enthusiast league score of 1,199.8 and ranking 63. On March 16, 2018 changed to 840.15 and standing 228, hardware masters 1842, enthusiast league score 752.3 and ranking 175. It kept coming down slowly on March 27, 2018 my score for world ranking was 777.85, ranking 392, hardware masters 1897, enthusiast league score 666.9 and ranking 228. On April dropped like a rock. The last score on April 19, 2018, world ranking score was 362.25 ranking 902, hardware masters 20989, and enthusiast league score 48.7, and ranking 2398. That change and dropped is significant why? It looks like error of calculation for me. I attached screenshot for the last 2 days, March 27, 2018 and April 19, 2018. I was waiting for Rev 7.1 to be completed. I read that was completed but my scores and ranking stay low and going down more, but no reaching zero yet. Is there a solution for this and my name issue? Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Medico   

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