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The official Raul SDT's 3DMark03 user challenge - May 3, 2012 until May 10, 2012 #2 thread.

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Hey Raul, I don't really see any reason to accept this challenge.


1st of all the card you are using is a "Cedar Core" GPU, which shouldn't be submitted in a "Park' Core" Category. So basically your card is faster than mine.


2nd thing, I can only run the card in PCI-E 1.1 at the moment with this shitty board.




I answered your question about my card being a Cedar core...My one is a shitty non-reference model fro xfshit.


Basically it is not a real cedar, as its not a real park...Look at my VGA memory description and you will see that it is way worse tha yours, and way worse than the original reference model.


And technically Park and Cedar are the same chip, hope you dont understand this as a cheat or something...I was jus tunlucky with my VGA, shoudln't have bought XFX.



The challenge is up, right ?


I'm using the stock clocks (2.4 dual core), of running on a pre-build computer from a store, so I've got a locked bios..


I fried my old board waiting to get it back from RMA.


Gooood I miss my 2700k.. :´(


Damn...Thats sad, haha


I'm in the same situation with my GTX570...It's coming back from japan.


I can't wait to have it back...Wait for my results, I'll bench today :)


I broke both my 560ti, ASRock Z68 Extreme4, and my HDD within 3 days.... So atm I'm using this shitty pc, without any OC capabilities on the RAM's, and CPU.


And then this card, which is OC'ing quite well though ;)

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