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Please investigate BUG Engine HwBot points in individual and team profile

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Hello !


Good evening everyone, I offer my respect and consideration for all enthusiastic friends.


2 weeks ago hwpoints that are presenting problems in the final score and generating points GLOBAL.

When we launched we recorded the points, the basis of the engine has HwBot.org error and sometimes ends with several decimals.


I added the points overall in my personal profile and are wrong, the sum of the records and then for generating the final score.


I beg the kindness and special care that the tool is checked, and if possible let us know about the update.

If necessary, I have validations and screens recorded errors of punctuation.


It seems to me, that in sum total score .01 it anywhere global validated.


Thank you for listening, and I count all!

Congratulations and great job by the union of all.


Infine: I have attached two images of the profile to generate erroneous points below.

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