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Consultation AMD Sempron™ 140 "Sargas"


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First of all, I apologize for my basic English, eh required the help of a translator in places.


The consultation is for the following reason.


I have a Sempron 140 "Sargas." This same sempron, as everyone knows, with the support of SB710 is possible to unlock the second core.


Through these features of the SB710 and the manufacturing process that uses AMD CPU-Z program, it recognizes the processor as an Athlon x2 II 440 (4400e).


Occasionally, also unlocked multipliers of the same, but the program CPU-Z recognizes it as an Opteron 1300 "Shanghai."


Ranker is possible this "Opteron 1300" as a Sempron 140 or do not.


Of course, I expect a response.

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