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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Aussie I will message you later this evening. XTU 4.5 @ Lowest Voltage
  2. Thank you, I went through just three but it's leaps and bounds above the other 2.
  3. I ran cinebench and XTU at 4.5 , I was requested by a perspective buyer. tried XTU at 1.15 and at 1.3, Cinebench at 1.14 and 1.13 , DID NOT TRY LOWER.
  4. I understand it's the weekend in Canada , give me a break . Pics up
  5. More of a typo. It's fixed. Ty
  6. Will get back to you tomorrow morning, and also update pics for thread. Do you have a postal code / zip I can refer to?
  7. Selling my good 5960x Does 4.7 at 1.205v , llc high xtu stable on air. It runs pretty hot on air so never went further, No subzero results. My best chip. Comes in retail box with warranty . 6 months old. Looking for 700 us plus shipping. Gigabyte board with box and accessories . Perfect condition 200 us ? Plus ship 4x4 ripjaws 3200 100 us plus shipping Would prefer to sell together Ozzfest05`s XTU score: 2359 marks with a Core i7 5960X
  8. I have a chip that does 4.7 ghz at 1.20volts with 4.5 cache
  9. Ozzfest05

    WTB Xeon L3014

    Looking for this CPU, even better if it clocks well. North American preferred for shipping.
  10. pm sent
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