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xbrian88 - sfera-oc-team

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Ok now all phenomenal ... but look crap shoot first and find out ... Read here the review for Pippo369, moderator and reviewer of Nexthardware. http://www.nexthardware.com/recensioni/schede-madri/330/evga-p55-classified-200_11.htm this would be a backup? that processor is Pippo369, the same used in the review.
  2. hi Konrad76, mi chiamo matteo e sono l'amministratore di HwMania.org. non posso che notare con molto interesse che te la cavi davvero bene in overclock... che ne dici di venire a fare un salto nel mio sito, magari iscrivendoti al forum e altra cosa, che ne dici di unirti al nostro team su HwBot Appunto, HwMania-OC-Team?? siamo attualmente 5 in italia ma con il tuo aiuto potremo salire molto... un saluto
  3. Hi all guys,i opened this 3d to ask for sum help...2 of my fellows have been unbanned,and now their score is not listed in the team's score,could i know how come?I'd like to know as soon as possible if i dnt disturb thx
  4. because the points of the "team hardwaretest" hours are not added to those of the team?
  5. http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/8056/screen028b.jpg
  6. ........ http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/4602/immaginedmf.jpg'>http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/4602/immaginedmf.jpg http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/4602/immaginedmf.jpg .......
  7. I can not because there is not the last step: -Options: - ban extinguish ... you managed to remove the ban?
  8. I said that in my team, "HwMania-OC-Team hwmania.org" in this group was the "team hardwaretest", a member of hwbot. is now strangely banned, and moreover fails to join the team ... how can you solve it?
  9. a greeting to all. I open this thread to inform you that you "hardwaretest team," team HwMania-OC-Team hwmania.org appears banned and can not enter ... like I hide this thing?
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