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  1. hi, update for: MaxxMEM² - PreView * v1.80, maintenance update, Quick compare added (19/04/2010) cu
  2. hi, well, this "Super Pi" for GPUs will misslead graphiccards performance. this means: a card which will be able to calculate PI as the *fastest one, does *not mean that its the fastest while playing or doing other graphical things. be carefull. so i think there must be some benchs, which meansure (for example) Vertex performance via opengl. so why opengl? because identical interface on all systmes, Dx independent. cu
  3. hi, for interested readers: Vcore characteristics cu
  4. thx update for: MaxxPI²-Multi-PreView * v1.55, support for upcomming new 6/12 core CPU's added (03/01/2010) NEW! MaxxMEM² - PreView * v1.74, minor bugfixes (03/01/2010) NEW! Download cu
  5. update, MaxxMEM²-PreView: * v1.73, MaxxPI.net / HWbot.org submit added (30/12/2009)
  6. hi, some (new)update MaxxMEM²-PreView-Multi: and some interesting link, memory comparsion DDR I/II/III (dual/tripple): http://www.maxxpi.net/pages/result-browser/memory---all-inclusive.php best
  7. hi, hmm... normally you don't have to wait for him , but I will talk about this with him.
  8. hi, MaxxMIPS² - PreView v1.45 Pure CPU benchmark (CPU String/Integer -part, ALU) v1.45, initial public release (10/09/2009) NEW! cu
  9. hi, update to v1.45, all preview's: * systeminformation's added. cu
  10. hi, MaxxPI² - PreView - Multi This benchmark uses as formula the Chudnovsky algorithm, unlike the MaxxPI ² - PreView - Single, that use the Gauss-Legendre algorithm. The advantage of the Chudnovsky algorithm is, that principally, multi-core capability is possible. MaxxPI ² - PreView - Multi use this. That means: That all available CPU cores work together on a single calculation. Technical: MaxxPI² - PreView - Multi needs at least a dual-core processor and supports in the current version 1.07, CPU's with 2,3,4 and 8 Core's. Note: HT core counts as real core, so 1+1HT core will accepted). Maximum depth of calculation: 268.435.456 decimal places • v1.07, initial public release (16/07/2009) NEW! cu
  11. hi, update MaxxPI² - PreView - Single to v1.41 • v1.41, Batchmode added (18/06/2009) NEW! cu
  12. hi, That was the right decision! cu
  13. hi, hmm I think you partly misunderstood me, I was not asking for anything. It was a pure declarative statement. cu Tharamis
  14. hi, here: http://www.maxxpi.net/pages/reviews/rev.php Review/preview of: "MaxxPI² - PreView - Multi" (english translation) it scales *very well, on any kind of cpu (cpu/type/manufacturer) cu
  15. hi, Review/preview of: upcomming "MaxxPI² - PreView - Multi" (unpublished until now) Review done by Frank Hempel, at: http://www.radeon3d.org (review in german) Direkt link to review: http://www.radeon3d.org/artikel/sonstiges/maxxpi_multi cu
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