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Everything posted by aTomic

  1. wytiwx, how much this one need to get into os on 5g?
  2. to be deleted
  3. to be deleted
  4. I confirm that ss was saled. Shipping cost something heavy like that to other side of globe? I think about 80 euro New price of dewar !! 150euro + shipping cost.
  5. I confirm reservation.
  6. Hi, I dont have any information about parcels above 20kg but shipping cost of dewar to Chile is 50€
  7. Next part of my colling staff for sale: 1. Single stage made by bart-x. More info there: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?253100-1HP-Benching-SS Results: -45;46 idle -43;45 load (new i7 4c/8t etc.) worst temp i ever saw -41 on 980X @ 5,6ghz 3dm. FC is airtight and very well calibrated. I add plate for gpu, second plate for cpu, seger pliers (to change plates) and mounting kit for memory(one memory) made by me. Price: 300€ + shipping cost. 2. 10 liter dewar - it should keep a half of its capacity through 2-3 weeks. Price: 150€ + shipping cost Validation photo: Payment with Paypal or banktransfer. I'm sending from Poland.FC will be send in a wooden solid box, and mounted on a screws to it. Dewar will be packaged in considerable thickness of cushioning material. I think also about pallet but it is significantly more expensive option. estimated shipping cost(more places in europe) ss - 50€ dewar - 40€
  8. Ok, so everything is sold. I'm going to sell also a 10liters dewar and single stage if somebody is interested in.
  9. if somenoe is interested in thermometer - its price is 20€. (new one cost about 40€). @Andreat85 and @Dhemon - I look forward to PM's from you with confirmation of purchase.
  10. yes , i can add sufficient amount of 1cm thick armaflex, alternatively possibly in the form of self-adhesive tape but i don't have it to much(tape).
  11. @Andreat85 - i've add mounting holes pitch to description. Shipping to Italy, like above - 16€
  12. If you're from UK i don't see an obstacle. We have a national feast from 1 to 3 of may so there is no sense to send it before monday. I can wait to friday for money
  13. Hi. I have some cooling staff for sale. Pots were bought about 2 years ago. It has normal marks of use, but everything is at good conditions. Maybe, except of a part of grey screws from gpu plates, which demand use a pliers So: #SOLD - 1 x cpu pot - SF3D Inflection Point (+ mounting kit) - 120 € + shipping cost #SOLD - 2x gpu slim pot made by ryba(one of these has only two mounting plates - i misplaced third one. Update post if i find it) - 55€ + shipping cost Mounting-holes pitch: 43x43 , 53x53, 58x58, 62x62(both sides for dual gpu) #SOLD -1x NB pot (made from single-stage evap) - 15€ + shipping cost ( i prefer to sell it as additional stuff to something other) For your wish i'll attach some sheets of insualation, or showed enermax bands. #SOLD - Theromometer - CHY700 - 20€ ( 2 x budgetary thermocouple gratis) Payment with Paypal or banktransfer. I'm sending from Poland. Cost depends from your destination, but for most european countries it will be: cpu/gpu/nb - 16€ 2xgpu+nb or cpu+gpu+nb - 18€ all stuff - 22€
  14. Not every 780dcu goes far with memory clock. Good job 12 !
  15. According to hwbot rules i would like to ask you here to change my nickname to "aTomic". Don't forget to also change forum nickname please, otherwise i might have a problems with logging in.
  16. There was a small missunderstanding between me and qjak here. Second result was delated.
  17. It could be Q827B677 but i'm not sure because i was polished ihs.
  18. Memory was clocking on 1140mhz 4-4-4-4 and only 2,35v(no memory volt mod) They can do 1200 4-4-4-4 2,3v but not on this board. Wprime was done with stock speed ddr2 and wasn't limited by memory. The benching was spent on wPrime, Pi score will be updated soon
  19. No other issues with this set. For PI i need mb with better ddr3 controler. Here 1600MHz ddr3 is maximum benchable frequency. With ddr2 I only have 4:5 FSB:DRAM multipiler (no 3:4) so performance is not very well.
  20. No other issues with this set. For PI i need mb with better ddr3 controler. Here 1600MHz ddr3 is maximum benchable frequency. With ddr2 I only have 4:5 FSB:DRAM multipiler (no 3:4) so performance is not very well.
  21. No other issues with this set. For PI i need mb with better ddr3 controler. Here 1600MHz ddr3 is maximum benchable frequency. With ddr2 I only have 4:5 FSB:DRAM multipiler (no 3:4) so performance is not very well.
  22. I was prepared for the worst - cb ~ -110*C and reverse scaling with temperature over 5,5GHz which is typical for Wolfdale (2Mb). At least for those which I've benched earlier. But this CPU is a gold one. 1,2v vid 1.22v - 4GHz @ air 1,36v - 4.5GHz @ air 1,56v - 5,25GHz @ ss (wprime) 1,71v - max CPU Need v-pll less than 1,5v to pass over 5,4 ghz. Best vaule is 1,285V. But with oc-clocks boot only with default v-pll. Coldbug on -150*C, booting on 5ghz below -132*C. No other issues ...
  23. it's very stupid idea that we must attach screenschot to memory clock stage. Scores have always been done with f7 button and it's only fair.
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