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Everything posted by aTomic

  1. Fast checked, unfortunately in dual channel. Will be updated soon
  2. thank's I think that with conroe could be sereval mhz higher nb scale with cold as highly as sandy bridge (about 5mhz) It didn't prompt me to use ln2.
  3. I dont really consider it as a disadvantage. vtt/v-mem dependance helped me to reach 282mhz
  4. On this board vtt (v-ref for nb-mem signals) depends on memory voltage. On my one the best settings are 3,15v v-mem and 1,95 v-nb. I'm waiting for new cpu from my friend but i'm afraid that it's to late
  5. it's not cpu frequancy but reference lol..
  6. 4 hours of play with this fu*king benchmark(2003) and i still can't make correct validation.. http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/1200/orbu.jpg I've downloaded this update...
  7. http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/8606/bugdu.png
  8. thx man! This is the second time I have this card on ln2 and I forgot that memory can do +40mhz :] will be continued..
  9. still pretest. next week will try with gpu @ sub-zero
  10. This is only pre-test. Thanks Memory at stock volt's
  11. Really nice that anyone bench 01 with c2d. My congrats ! Could you upload this picture in higher resolution? Is the best one I have ever seen.
  12. nicely done! reference card? Must get better cpu and will fight too
  13. could You tell me what kind of bios mod did you use to work with subzero temperatures without triggering?
  14. lights in pot's? cool What's the reason to use it? congrats!
  15. 2V and 6,75 gigs wprime? is still allive?
  16. can't find v-mods, volterra datasheet for 6800gt.... how about throtthling?? my gpu has 500 degrees on ss.... this is really very difficult card....
  17. thanku you 48xx is still alive. Only non-reference asus pcb is beeing worried me (ocp,ovp)
  18. Fajnie że wzięliście się do roboty chłopaki :] Myślałem że będą to już tylko martwe punkty i pozostanie nam równać do szprota. A tu proszę, jednak jakaś rywalizacja się pojawiła Dziękuję w imieniu swoim (bo kamil na pewno już to robił) za użyczenie radka. Wspomnimy o tym jeszcze gdzie będzie trzeba.
  19. Could you tell me what voltages you used to overclock m3f to such a high bclk freq? Some trick's? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1069818_achill3us_reference_clock_maximus_iii_formula_294.32_mhz I need about 300 bclk for my i3 550 and I'm looking around mobo which will allow me to hit this frequency. Gigabyte's mini ITX with H55 does not appeal to me. I'm wondering about freeze the PCH. What do you think about it?
  20. How cb did you have? Did you make ln2 mod or use ln2 mode in bios?
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