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  1. Hi Ich suche einen XSPC 5,25 Single AGB für DDC Pumpe. Die Version mit integrierter Pumpe. Die Pumpe brauche ich nicht wirklich dabei. Hab eine. Kramt mal die Berge mit alter Hardware um, ob sich da noch son Gerät finden läßt. Danke Hi I am looking for a XSPC 5,25 Single AGB for DDC pump. The version with integrated pump. I don't really need the pump with it. I have one. Have a rummage in the mountains with old hardware to see if you can still find a device. Thank you
  2. I think the same. He will certainly notice this himself and add to it. Thank you for the info
  3. ok, i understand the problem. i can't contact the member. I assume he got a similar message. As team captain, do i have access to the team members' email addresses?
  4. https://hwbot.org/submission/5256531_sandr_3dmark___fire_strike_ultra_geforce_gtx_1080_6187_marks / you object to the result, i can't even see it anymore.
  5. 2 GPU Enabled. Das Pulldownmenü in GPU-Z schleßt sich beim KLICK auf Screenshoot. Das ist eben so und kann ich auch nicht ändern,. Da die Verwendung des HWBot-Tool zwingend ist. http://hwbot.org/submission/2256493_yellowcaps_unigine_heaven___basic_preset_(dx9)_2x_geforce_8800_gts_512_mb_2756.46_dx9_marks all my 8800GTS512 SLI Scores are reportet, please fix it. All is ok On my Pic you can see my benchplattform, used watercooling. There are no Grafikcards on this Pic. All used Grafikcards are Stock Cooling. http://hwbot.org/submission/2256490_yellowcaps_3dmark06_2x_geforce_8800_gts_512_mb_31784_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2256488_yellowcaps_3dmark05_2x_geforce_8800_gts_512_mb_44695_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2256486_yellowcaps_3dmark03_2x_geforce_8800_gts_512_mb_87609_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2256485_yellowcaps_3dmark2001_se_2x_geforce_8800_gts_512_mb_107820_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2256483_yellowcaps_3dmark_vantage___performance_2x_geforce_8800_gts_512_mb_15608_marks
  6. hi someone reportet my old score. A picture required. Is log time ago... to this time i don`t need a picture http://hwbot.org/submission/2106508_yellowcaps_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_(dx11)_2x_geforce_gtx_580_3109.23_dx11_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2106258_yellowcaps_3dmark06_geforce_gtx_580_30100_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2106211_yellowcaps_3dmark11___performance_geforce_gtx_580_6665_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2105674_yellowcaps_3dmark03_geforce_gtx_580_115564_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/964090_yellowcaps_wprime_32m_core_i7_920_5sec_468ms
  7. Ich halte das auch für keine gute Idee. Wozu soll das denn gut sein, außer denen die gesponsert werden, eine Plattform zu schaffen. Ich meld schonmal mein eigenes Ein Mann Team an.
  8. I hope so. Thx 4 done
  9. Okay thx 4 moved my results. Now, I need a new calculating and listing in the new categorys
  10. I can`t change the Categorie. To fix my results, can anybody moved my rsults from Cat 2*3870X2 to 3*3870?
  11. thx Rocco I change the categorie manuel. So far, so good
  12. I`m waiting
  13. problems?
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