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Everything posted by SniperOZ

  1. Hay Isaak nice run but you need to delete this and re run with Physx disabled cheers
  2. Well done over@locker886 ....nice clocks .....congrats
  3. Hi Hanfrey yeah i used SetFSB ....you need to use the shareware version and donate to the developer.....he gets back to you fast with an unlock key http://www13.plala.or.jp/setfsb/ Cheers
  4. Thanks toohyped .....yeah running a 0.5HP Aquarium Chiller
  5. no, no bug just trying to kill a chip
  6. Ticket ID: 883 Priority: Low http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt240/SniperOZ/gpuz.jpg
  7. Hi When will the Mobility Radeon HD 5870 be added??......mmmm or is it!!!
  8. Woo Hoo!!!!!!........I just recivied a GA-P55A-UD7 in the mail today Thanks Gigabyte and Hwbot Cheers Sniper
  9. There seems to be a new user reporting a number of GeForce GTX 260 216SP Vantage runs ....( Suit up ) for some reason they don’t understand that disabling PPU in Vantage IS disabling Physx Could this be looked in to Cheers SniperOZ
  10. CPU Test 2 ....Clearly shows that PPU has been disabled
  11. Nice run john you got the ss working i see
  12. Hay Nice run there but you need to do a run with Physics disabled (disable PPU) Cheers Snipe
  13. Very Nice john can not wait to see you go dice and get that CPU up to 5ghz Cheers
  14. go to the " more " tab at the top off page select then under options there is a delete button cheers
  15. Your doing prity good your self mate well done !!!
  16. Yeah your rite it all seems fine. I don't now why you dont have gold..... I have the same problem with my 780i ref clock must be a bug.... its early days for these subitions.
  17. Nice clock there Shock well done
  18. Ticket ID: 748 Priority: Low Hi not sure im unable to view my prifile page\r\nhttp://www.hwbot.org/community/user/sniperoz?tab=profile\r\n\r\nalso the evga profile page dose not show all the medals and cups correctly\r\nhttp://www.hwbot.org/community/team/evga_enthusiasts\r\n\r\ncheers sniper
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