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Posts posted by kikicoco1334

  1. More like when u wake up at lunchtime sunday and realise you mistook the lube for gc extreme and have grey cock, balls and hand.


    that's just darn nasty xD :rofl:


    You know you bench too much when you reinstall windows for the 50th time that week because of the slightest error..... and you do not pause to think about how anal that is.

    done did that a few too many times in a day

  2. You know you benched too much when you killed 30 something liter of LN2 the same day you filled it.

    You know you benched too much when you sit down the first thing you do is making sure F7 and Print Screen key is working

    You know you benched too much when your name is Splave.

  3. ...when you are about to take a test in 15min, instead of studying you are running SPI in the library's new rigs

    ...when your girlfriend dumps you after finding out you get up around 4am every day just to bench and goes back around the time she's getting up

  4. Hey all, I was wondering if anyone know where the thread for how the points are calculated is located?

    I've been looking but just can't seem to find it again.

    Can someone link me?



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