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Everything posted by Rave

  1. Since this is a ambient comp, I assume we must have temperature readings included in our verification screenshots. Would CoreTemp (with the latest update for ryzen support) be suitable for temperature monitoring or is the de facto HWInfo and HWMonitor only accepted?
  2. http://hwbot.org/submission/3568318 I have resubmitted this submission here just incase the motherboard temps in HWinfo are significant, however I cannot seem to add additonal pictures of my rig.
  3. Resubmitted due to HWinfo not showing motherboard temps, however I cannot edit the submission to add additional pictures of my rig.
  4. https://hwbotnews.s3.amazonaws.com/Competitions/1952-1953_GigabyteMasterYouRyzen/1920x1080.jpg By inspecting element on the competition page I found the link to the banner and then just took a stab in the dark at the filename and managed to guess it.
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