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Posts posted by SteveRo

  1. I liked it better when, on the individual user's submission page, all the benchmarks were displayed. You could just scroll up and down and see the whole world of your submissions. With REv.4 it's a drop down box to select the benchmark. Meh, I can live with it, I just like seeing everything at once.


    +1 on "scroll up and down and see the whole world of your submissions". Drop down box to select the bench is not as good - my druthers.

  2. Per application, there can be different global rankings. Each of those rankings can contribute to those top-15 globals. For instance:


    S1: E8600 Wprime 32M (2x CPU)

    S2: i7 920 Wprime 32M (4x CPU)

    S3: i7 980X Wprime 32M (6x CPU)


    S1, S2 and S3 all receive a global rank. Each of those scores can contribute to your top-15 global for the personal ranking.



    Also true for multi vga (sli or crossfire)?

  3. Per ranking, only your best score will receive a rank and points. Eg:


    S1: Aquamark 3, 1x GTX580 = 430k

    S2: Aquamark 3, 1x HD5870 = 410k


    S1 will receive:


    - global rank (1x GPU Aquamark 3) + according global points

    - hardware rank (1x GTX580 Aquamark 3) + according hardware points


    S2 will receive:


    - NO global rank (you already have a better score in 1x GPU Aquamark3) and NO points

    - hardware ranking (1x HD 5870 Aquamark 3) + according hardware points


    In practical terms, this means that S1 can contribute to your top-15 global scores and both S1 and S2 can contribute to the top-20 hardware. S2 will not contribute to the global total, because this score doesn't receive a global rank.


    Ok - but what if you have 3dmv 1x, 2x and even 3x vga scores - all in your top 15 (15 not 20 for globals - got it) can all three count towards your ranking?

    Is this also true for both wprime's then? How about 1x core, 2x core, ... both wprime32 or 1024?

  4. So for the oc league, if I understand correctly - top 15 global scores and top 20 h/w scores are used to establish rankings. So I think I have two questions.


    1. Globals are given for six 2D benches (excluding cpuz now) and seven 3D benches for a total of 13 benches. Yet 15 global scores count toward the rankings. How do we get 15 to count toward our score? Must the other two be multi vga or can globals from 2D also apply. For example pcm05 4x core AND pcm05 6x core both count toward the ranking?


    2. If a given global bench is used in the computation of the oc league score can that same bench (assuming it has a high h/w score) also be used for the h/w top 20?


    It would be nice for pcmv to get globals, otherwise - I like what I am seeing.

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