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Everything posted by neo_gt

  1. when i taked it to 722 724 it started be inestable on fps on static render (whit gpu capsviewer) so the limit for me is 720 what is almost half more power than original but the performance is given in memory oc i taked it to 640 but now i find that is more stable at 638 and 642 i dont use "numeros impares" because it make to freese like 635 637 639 i hope that give you like a help
  2. i dont have 3d mark 01/05/06/vantage anda i cant download it from nowere because i have a crap internet
  3. ienstable 700mhz bus stable at 710mhz in memory i jump from 450mhz to 580mhz
  4. overvoltage > no i dont have 3d mark 01/05/06/vantage...
  5. if you put to 3dmark in affiniti to 1 core you will get more score
  6. windows 7 beta drivers more stability yes i did that score and is a 64bit nvidia gpu-z and gpu caps viewer confirm that so shut the fuck off and stop cring
  7. how i upload a screenshot of my GPU-Z in this submission? Como subo una captura de pantalla del gpu-z aca?
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