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Everything posted by The_Game

  1. It seems I will need to do one optimized run or more brute force . Good result, congrats!
  2. Yeah they can not sure whether it's the processors or the board which can work on high FSB . And sure E8200 can do more, just didn't try single channel there.
  3. 1.66vNB I think(not sure it was needed, it was working best with 1.54v at least for stability tests), 1.5-1.54 VTT, 1.3pll. I think with more serious play the CPU will do 6ghz(8x750), at least for validation . CPU Vcore was a little high also, it can do 5.5ghz 1.56v validation on SS, but wanted to be sure it's not the CPU and also this board needs more Vcore compared to DFI P45 T2RS PLUS.
  4. Thanks guys the board was EP45T Extreme, it can do 710-715 FSB in dual channel(for 1m or valid) we had no time and LN2 to waste for trying more in a single channel it was just a quick run. The CPU was at -100, CB was at -150, but CBB at -70.
  5. Q841A100, I still didn't test it on LN2, but I think I need more FSB first .
  6. vNB the max possible of course 1.8v .
  7. Yeah thanks man the CPU is really good. Have to try both on LN2 CPU and NB .
  8. We will see where is the problem . This is with 2 cores enabled as I said the second core is worse and stops 200-250MHz lower so I`ll disable it and see what`s going on . Also I do not think the CPU is the problem at 710FSB I can run SPi 1M but it freezes at 15-16 loop, normally when CPU is the problem SPi crashes with error also I never tried Vcore above 1.8v . I hope i`ll have more time to play next week and see where the better cooling is needed .
  9. Next week LN2 for the NB . CPU will be on cascade again it does not need more cooling the board is the problem .
  10. Yeah thx man that`s a golden CPU. For sure the CPU was not the problem here(I even didnt try to lower Vcore just wanted to be sure its not the CPU stopping me). The second core is worse(can run super pi 200-300Mhz lower) so if I disable it I can go way higher but we were running out of DICE, so next time I hope for more and may be LN2 for the NB.
  11. @GraduS I`m not sure about the rules, but I cant see a problem when we both bench. I`m not going to upload his shot again, and he is not going to upload mine too. This way we both receive points and I think its fair. The CPU and the board are mine and he is supporting with memory and cascade, also helping with DICE on the NB so its 50/50.
  12. Does it matter? We both played with the CPU and this kind of cooling we cant post together, so.. .
  13. Q841A100. Yeah the CPU is very good especially the first core the second one is worse. I can bench SPi 1M at 5900MHz with this core, but second one is 200MHz lower arround 5.7 for Spi 1M.
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