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  1. with different cpu is ok with the rules. assembly and the wrong video finally allowed;
  2. in your video time 1.18 all is very dark dark. i think do you have fake video.
  3. Thank's man! i try to do the right always. some times everybody mades mistakes. but we are not all cheaper!!!!! anyway...
  4. in the oc genie video the yellow worlds oc enable on start up does not exist. can you see that? is valid?
  5. my result is not valid. ok !!! can you see the utility (control center) on the screen shot oc genie? run this utility down -left . utility is on the rules?
  6. confirmation for what? for utility control center? where is the yellow worlds oc enable on start up?
  7. look my friend LeGal^CriMeR!!!! may you need more work!!!! stop to call me cheaper and liar!!! look my profile to see who i am!!!! if you cant to improve your settings, is not my problem!!!! look to improve your system and your personality!!!!!
  8. look my friend LeGal^CriMeR!!!! may you need more work!!!! stop to call me cheaper and liar!!! look my profile to see who i am!!!! if you cant to improve your settings, is not my problem!!!! look to improve your system and your personality!!!!!
  9. bios started 3780MHZ and after oc genie 3914mhz. ok?
  10. Massman i want to buy a intel celeron 356 (3.33) what do you say for this cpu? it's ok for this challenge?
  11. hello massman .i want help with gard 220gt asus .i want flashbios but i dont no .
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