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Everything posted by nachtfalke

  1. you can try CL first ( lucy run occurs more quickly) and set LOD nature 5 DL-LL-DH-LH -N-CH-CL ...
  2. for this cpu frecv , this score is too small , CL ;DH and N = fail
  3. da cu driveru 197.45 whql sau 197.75 whql
  4. use default settings next time:)
  5. use 9.4 whql, LOD 3,5 and you have a revelation:)
  6. next time pleas use default settings:) this score is imposible on this cpu clock....
  7. cine pixu meu iti da tie screenuri? pune poza cu placa si screenshot valid
  8. de ce ti-e frica de aia nu scapi:) asa ca tot postez=)))poti sa dai si la polu N , problema nu e placa/sistemu, problema se afla intre monitor si scaun:)
  9. nici acum nu ai invatat driverele de 2k1?? ps: ce fel de gibon e ala de la avatar?
  10. La ce mai pui scoru daca iei 0 pcte? ps: nice avatar:)
  11. score is too big for cpu frequency,you always run on XP, that GPU-Z is a bug and not look SLI mode:) that score is run in SLI mode is impossible with 1x vga this score on xp.for GF100/GF110 you need windows7 for a high score in aquamark you need high frequency cpu and necesary windows7
  12. I have same motherboard and have big problems with RAM,can you tell me what version of bios do use? what kind of RAM and what settings? danke!
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