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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Just looking at you're validation and it looks like the SS is of a I7 965.. Is it?
  2. So I recently purchased a I3-560 and a Asus P7P55D-E LX to build a new rig for my wife and I decided to run some benchmarks on it before I set it all up for her. Well, its going great except for the fact that my submissions for 3DMark Vantage and 06, actually all of my GPU test don't receive any points. Any one have any ideas on how I can fix this. Thanks, Jake Here is the link to one of the scores that didn't receive any points. Doing a search on the I3-5650 will also show my submissions but on points. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2135771_jcocanour_3dmark_vantage___performance_geforce_gtx_580_23366_marks
  3. Ticket ID: 1205 Priority: High I just bought and built a i3 560 rig for my wife and prior to seting it up for her i decided to toss it on my ss phase change unit.. but i am not recieving any points for my 3d submitions. Can someone tell my why? my email is jcocanour@yahoo.com\r\n\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/ResultBrowseByProcessor.do?cpuModelId=2240
  4. Is this an after market cooler.....??
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