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Everything posted by SpartaLegionOC

  1. Unfortunately, I don't have a screenshot, but for example the points I have on my wall for the last week have not been counted towards the 2025 season at all, I've had the 900 points there for about 2-3 weeks without an update
  2. Hi, my HW and other points in my profile have not been updated in the last 14 days. The points have been frozen for a long time and are not changing, please check. Thank you
  3. Why is blocked? Win 2012 R2 is Win 8.1 based system
  4. These points are not on my card: https://hwbot.org/search/submissions/permalink?userId=256165&cpuId=3619 https://hwbot.org/search/submissions/permalink?userId=256165&cpuId=2737 https://hwbot.org/search/submissions/permalink?userId=256165&cpuId=2124 Please check the recalculation button without success. HW points in Career and Season 2021 have not been credited to me since I participated in the Challenger competetion
  5. Hi In the last few days I have been facing a problem when I make a submission and get HW points, etc. I will see how much I gained, but it does not update on my personal card. Several dozen HW points fly to me somewhere, but they are not in my profile. Please check and correct if necessary. Thank you
  6. Sorry bugged test, 2nd run is same bugged https://ibb.co/QcMzBXS
  7. Hi, he has had the same problem for 3 days now, I can't see anything on my wall, not even with anyone else. I tried other browsers (Edge, Firefox) and it still writes to me on the wall: That's it! You're at the end. Please check, thank you
  8. Watch on windows overall score, text is small, this damage is switch standart TV ress 4K and 200% text and pic zoom (300% is recomended) to 1024x768 pixels :(
  9. Unblock this score, bechmark settings is shows on result details, 3D mark windows is damaged, windows screen is 4k TV ressolution with 200% text and picture zoom and bench is standart 1024x768
  10. Thx i go install Windows 7 pirates and DDos incoming
  11. Admin leeghoofd blocked my subs http://hwbot.org/submission/4327588_spartalegionoc_cinebench___2003_xeon_x5675_4243_points and http://hwbot.org/submission/4327558_spartalegionoc_wprime___1024m_xeon_x5675_1min_53sec_605ms and write "no windows 10 with Cinebenches and Westmere platform, plz rebench on Win7 and no windows 10 with Wprime and Westmere platform" Why? On OC esports web is limitations: LIMITATIONS Only Intel LGA 2011, LGA1366, LGA1156, LGA1155, LGA1150, LGA775, LGA771 or older single CPU sockets are allowed ( ES allowed ) In case of doubt videoproof must be provided to the moderators Please attach a picture of your running overclocking rig. Processor must be idle/load and at positive temperatures (HWinfo64 or OHM readout) A full verification screenshot is required including CPUZ cpu, memory and mobo tab. No clipping, the taskbar and windows time need to be visible. Xeon CPUs allowed up to max 6 cores submit using competition background https://i.postimg.cc/P5MDBTPy/200106-Challengers-Final-1080p.jpg Where is OS limit? Thx for reply
  12. Hi where is find wallpaper for Challengers 2020? Thx
  13. Wow this is awesome. 9 year old PC beat all other modern hardware. Nice
  14. Fcking FPS lock... Vsync off + vsync off in AMD Adrenaline software...
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