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Everything posted by Pegasus_n1

  1. grazie Team Mate!... la cpu promette moooooolto bene.
  2. i noticed that after i post here two sumbissions were blocked, it's ok, but can some1 now fix the points problem with the same speed that those submissions were blocked?? LOL? ^^ and the achievements doesn't works fine, i've made more that 6 submission with multi gpu, but the achievment goal is still stuck at 6/10, and as this many of others achievments, like Gigabyte Brand submissions.
  3. ehy cristian, can u check why my profile score aren't the same on the country board? v.v profile 260.50 http://www.hwbot.org/user/pegasus_n1/ country board 245.70 http://www.hwbot.org/league/enthusiast?offset=-8&countryCode=IT is being two days that is stucked at this point.... check plz
  4. WEEEEEEEEEEE ahaha guarda chi c'è in quindicesima posizione ciao bell!!
  5. don't know why the screen is red but, just save it in your desktop , you'll still see it in red but you gonna be able to read everything
  6. mhmhmhmm maybe i have talked too quick! no points for this submission made yesterday night! http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2214737_ v.v
  7. i think that now is working... each time i submit scores, i get point later in the day....... i'll try out again, i've got a new rig
  8. mai visto un banchetto cosi disordinato.... LOL?
  9. what's that?? please tell me!! thank you!
  10. still no points .... http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2209565_
  11. no, i haven't got them yet, .... profile view national view you can clearly see that my previous two submissions are like ghosts.... not to talk about the 1.5 missing points....
  12. previous scores were partially fixed, 2 points are missing, then i've tried to upload two other submissions made today... same problem ... i still do not get the points! http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2208638_ http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2208639_ ... can somebody check out what wrong with my submissions/scoring?
  13. i know, that was a first test... i've already impreved the score to 260 ... i'm gonna upload it later....
  14. ye .. still stucked like this .... profile national page according to my profile points i should be in 8th position.. but isn't so .. 10.7 points missing. please fix it edit. even for this submission, never had points for this ..... http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2207971_
  15. yes, that's exactly the problem i'm having... that's really disappointing.....
  16. mainboard is QUANTA P55! NOT RIIIE
  17. after talking a lot with Chris, i realized where was the mistake, i apologize for this
  18. you need to tell me what the fuck is wrong with this score... no seriously! star to explain!
  19. how come your cpu is sitting at 2.6ghz? mine goes on 2.8 but only in turbo mode... btw you should provide subfield bench screen.
  20. wait a minute, i've choosed pci-e 8400 gs g98 isn't correct?! btw i agree. for the missing subtest... i'll run it back later in the day or tomorrow, so we can forget about this screen thanks for the tip!
  21. and if anyone reports my score, the worst is for you, i'm gonna run it back and improve the score. this is my score, no cheating, either u guys like it or not.
  22. sweet stop it... i'm not cheating, either u like it or not, if you report this there's no problem, i'll run it again and improve the score! relax yo self.
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