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Everything posted by Moose83

  1. Yes not only safe work for the staff! We cant delete all tweakted scores and say to everybody you must rebench everything! I think iam not the only one who have selled many benched CPUs;) But some points are not clear... what about Audio comp or MA? I dont use it atm but we must discuss it too. Also we have to talk about AMDs magic bug driver!
  2. The wrapper should have the te and webpage tweak in it. Thats the only way to save actually scores. And new scores with the wrapper and tweaks are allmost the same then:
  3. Of course, i keep my hope! Thats the only benchmark we have, where only tweaking scores, and not great expensive HW! Dont let this lovely Benchmark die and make it fair for all now;)
  4. Congrats Topdog! We have to challenge for the global cups;)
  5. Nice Christian!!! Its the only way to keep this Benchmark and make it fair for all!
  6. By the way, well done Topdog! I hope, that the Benchmark not dies... Its my lovely Benchmark. Congrats on WR!
  7. The Wrapper idea sounds very good for me. But the wrapper must detect, if scripts in the Background are do something, and gives no score;)
  8. Well done with this small CPU! Keep pushing it;)
  9. No waiting please, keep pushing it with 5,7GHz and Webpage Tweak! Do it my friend:)
  10. I only will trust an wrapper, if it is not created by an bencher.... Hwbot staff itself must make it:) Maybee an wrapper can Help that files cant replaced during an test... But how can it check scripts that change options? Ie runs outside the bench.
  11. I think an wrapper would not fix the problem. replacing files during test will also work...
  12. MLets call it scriptmark... I liked pcm05 beginning for 3 years ago... Beginning with 1 ssd i play it... Later with 4 ssd getting much points... many people spend a lot of time and money on this bench, to go the usual way in this bench....normally it scores to 70% storage, but now??? Its a shame what happened to the bench!!! Also its an shame what happened to the pioniers of this bench!!! The last Pionier that plays pcm05, bught storage for many thousands of Dollar, sitting now @ home, try to figure the tweaks, but they arnt tweaks, for me only they are cheats, not other kind... I also went the usually way, buing areca and beginn to play the game... i was happy to set a WR, and the only one, who recogniced me are Gluvocio and SteveRo! Steve is the last Pionier in this bench!!! Its an shame, what happened to him!!!!!!!!!!! He is the only one who plays always fair, trusting all tweaks are legal and try to figure it out. Its an shame!!!! The last Pionier cant score against such,,, tweaks,,,, because thinking its legal! SteveRo, i can feel with you, you where always hard to beat, in an timse where pcmark was pcmark. Ever fair and pushing me with your comments, and thanks my friend!You are an great guy fairplaying the whole time!But now, this is not the bench, we where playing long time ago... Shame on all, who named an script supertweak!!!!!!
  13. Then Problem is ivy... Go Thomas, should i lend you my areca for some 70k stuff;)
  14. What about all other hdd programms? No one shows the (bug) Power! I offert Tests in Team cup, remember? @GenieBen, ever tested ramdisk really, or tryed to get 2 combined? And add some stuff on it? 6g Virus scan on Intel, lol...
  15. Yeah Thomas, keep pushing this little Monster!
  16. Because hdtune cant mess an bug;) thinking now same as gluvo, ramdisk should no problem too, to give Intel a Chance against the magic AMD bug, lol:q
  17. Yeah cant ban, but can make updated rules. Also storage is an good point, why is an bugged driver/Tool allowed? AMD RAID expert is bugged, Software RAID clean the floor with an 4000 Dollar Hardware RAID... No hdd test recognice the magic 10g RAID only pcm05 shows an score what have nothing to do with Performance, only shows an bug! Sounds only that someone like to see AMD in top places for me... Hdtune for example wont work with it only error...
  18. Give me time to think about an challenge Dennis:)
  19. Very nice Score Thomas, keep pushing it!
  20. http://www.3dmark.com/pcm05/3171703 This is Audio Comp Tweak, 4 times higher than standart... Validated ORB Futuremark link. But, can you say, what i did??? Did i replace the Codec in working Folder or other stuff??? Test it by your own, change Codec in PCM working folder and try to go to Futuremark with it...it wouldnt work, you get error 10 by coruppted files;) All guys, using high Audio Comp cant go to ORB, because they changed Codec. Gluvecco can do also it with ORB Link, but who would you moderate it?
  21. Yes te and webpage i can do every Limit i want.... There are only 2 options now, keep PC Mark and allow everything.... or remove it completly.... can i score with 20k vs now too....or should we Set limits for the subtests? Pcm05 should be renamed to script it or scriptmark;) It cant be moderated any more...
  22. Most are working to replace files in pcm05... but actually rules say not allowed right? Also Codec change not allowed right?
  23. Christian Ney know them and how they work...
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