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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yeah, tried downloading it manually and it tells me I have it already.
  2. Yep, the windows update are up-to-date.
  3. Not certain about that, normally I dont like updates. I will check that out, thanks
  4. Feels odd, if you look at the pictures I attached above. It says Default etc, but the values is all N/A. I tried reinstalling XTU several times aswell. Why does this have to happen!
  5. Tried that aswell and then I get this;
  6. I try using the "Compare Online" feature in XTU, maybe thats something completely different...
  7. Tried that multiple times, still nothing Attached an image of my Intel XTU.
  8. Hello! As my topic states, I'm having issues with uploading my profile to HWBOT. I would want to compare my OC to others and pump it up abit. I'm running the oldschool 3930k and I'm going to kick the sh*t out of if so I can buy a newer one. LOL Help please? I'm new to this site and I'm really interested in trying out this new stuff i.e. Intel XTU. Regards, STORM.
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