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Jordi M.C

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Everything posted by Jordi M.C

  1. He caught Draco and the furious, so is trying to discredit at all costs. Reported my last climb, when no traps in that climb I did want to discredit me and take my points in the tender, this playing dirty DRACO, and is employing all the tricks to gain from it. It is a cheat and I have proof.
  2. Vak92, es un mentiroso DRACO, el 15 de noviembre colgo una con hora y fecha del 1:25 del 25 de agosto 2010, ahora a 29 noviembre cuelga otra con fecha y hora de 23:16 del 25 de agosto del 2010, osea, manipulacion absoluta y es una vergüenza este tio, esta manipulando datos. La captura es del 25 de agosto del 2010, pero el GPU-Z 0.4.8 salio el 8-9 de noviembre del 2010. DRACO, cogio una captura del vantage del mes de agosto y puso el GPU-Z 0.4.8, manipulando datos, como se ha visto y esto viene a raiz de un concurso patrocinado por Patriot, pero que el creador del concurso y DRACO estan haciendo trampas para que gane DRACO.
  3. If clear, long story, but you are a manipulator and a liar, now it says that MSI AfterBurner expired and you must put the date two months ago, of course, we are in November, is 3 months, then that is a control and a big lie, I have the Afterburner and me is perfect, you're a liar. First you say you can not put on all your plates based on the date and time, and then you say you have to put 2 months ago (they're 3, and you do not know or count) for the AfterBurner. Fucks before a liar than a lame. You can clearly see the manipulation, if you say you can not put the date at why motherboards out August 25?, It not have battery on the motherboard?. Liar and a liar, that I have depth.
  4. Sigue estando manipulados esos resultados, DRACO esta haciendo trampas
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