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Everything posted by stasio

  1. ASUS SABERTOOTH ftp://ftp.asus.com.tw/pub/ASUS/mb/LGA1155/SABERTOOTH_P67/SABERTOOTH-P67-ASUS-1702.zip ASUS DELUXE ftp://ftp.asus.com.tw/pub/ASUS/mb/LGA1155/P8P67_DELUXE/P8P67-DELUXE-ASUS-1702.zip
  2. ASUS P8P67 http://www.mediafire.com/file/b759m6aj793jbs8/P8P67-ASUS-1608.zip P8P67 Deluxe http://www.mediafire.com/file/ib9xeps3j5ieq94/P8P67-DELUXE-ASUS-1606.zip P8P67 Evo http://www.mediafire.com/file/ucm9i3k1m53iv1f/P8P67-EVO-ASUS-1606.zip P8P67 Pro http://www.mediafire.com/file/qsuatggdn69k89z/P8P67-PRO-ASUS-1606.zip P67 SABERTOOTH http://www.mediafire.com/file/zl2ecay0afy7vj1/SABERTOOTH-P67-ASUS-1606.zip P8H67-M-EVO http://www.mediafire.com/file/3sq6pneridym2ha/P8H67-M-EVO-ASUS-1607.zip 1. Enhance support for Game Port on old audio cards. 2. Enhance SATA compatibility 3. Enhance mouse/keyboard support under UEFI 4. Enhance USB2.0 / 3.0 legacy support 5. Enhance PCIE compatibility 6. Enable support of CAS = 4 DDRIII-1333 modules
  3. GA-Z68X-UD4-B3 - F7d GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 - F4b
  4. GA-Z68X-UD4-B3 - F7a
  5. Are you have your HD in AHCI/RAID or IDE in the BIOS? I think Gigabyte added new RAID/AHCI ROM in the BIOS F6. Maybe this will be the reason. EDIT: Lsdmeasap help me to solve the problem (and test). eSATA option is the problem, not Intel ROM or that new ROM setting in the BIOS, you can set that anyway you want. But main issue is eSATA setting so anyone that flashed already from yesterdays BIOS files can just wait at the splash screen until they can enter the BIOS, or wait until windows loads and then disable eSATA via BIOS or Touch BIOS. So these have new RAID Rom (Which didn't matter), and a instruction on how to flash and make the hang stop once you flashed over to Z68X-UD4. http://www.mediafire.com/?97ia16dscaxf796
  6. Hi, yes I have also same problem with UD7,but i leave at the LOGO Screen (third/fourth time) and after some time (maybe 5 min) went to the Windows.I spend arround 1 hour to finally boot at normal way. Did you try pressing DEL,to went to BIOS? If BIOS ID it's not good,@BIOS will give "BIOS checksum error" or "Invalid BIOS image" on the beggining. Btw, if you don't want to try more here is new BIOS: GA-P67A-UD4-B3 - F5b
  7. I can do, but will be untested,as I don't own UD4 board. Let me know,if you want. Edit: Modded (untested) BIOS Z68X-UD4-B3 - F6 with Hex Editor XVI32 (working only for P67A-UD4-B3 BIOS): http://www.mediafire.com/?k0uitnfncmfevp6 Before flashing,set in the BIOS "Optimized Defaults". Flash with latest @BIOS 2.11. After restart,BIOS maybe will "hang" on BIOS Screen for about 2-3 min. Disable anything what you didn't use, with latest Touch BIOS in the Windows. Restart and after should be OK.Clear CMOS will also speed boot sequence. Modded BIOS to flash back to P67A-UD4-B3 BIOS F4: http://www.mediafire.com/?jr6ylz4hwo17zss
  8. Modded BIOS (tested) for P67A-UD7-B3 to flash with Z68X-UD7-B3 BIOS (Touch BIOS works) is here: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=263598&page=94
  9. GA-Z68X-UD7-B3 - F6 GA-Z68X-UD5-B3 - F6 GA-Z68X-UD4-B3 - F6 GA-Z68X-UD3P-B3 - F4 GA-Z68X-UD3R-B3 - F2 GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 - F2 on Gigabyte web site. GA-P67A-UD5-B3 - F5 GA-P67A-UD3- B3 - F5a -Fix S3 wake up issue -09.May 11
  10. GA-P67A-UD7-B3 - F4 GA-P67A-UD5-B3 - F4 GA-P67A-UD4-B3 - F4 -fix bug with DVID (LLC disabled) -02.May 11
  11. GA-Z68X-UD7-B3 - F6c GA-Z68X-UD5-B3 - F5c GA-Z68X-UD4-B3 - F6c GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 - F2d GA-Z68X-UD3P-B3 - F4c GA-Z68X-UD3R-B3 - F2d
  12. Z68X-UD4- B3- BIOS F4 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5IQASW95
  13. P8Z68-V PRO 0221 BIOS http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/LGA1155/P8Z68-V_PRO/P8Z68-V-PRO-ASUS-0221.zip
  14. Thanks again!
  15. Mayak, can you mod BIOS for UD3-B3 - F3 to be flashed to B2 mobo. UD3..........7A89UG09 UD3-B3.....7A89VG0B Thanks in advance!
  16. GA-P67A-UD7-B3 - F4a
  17. Yes,I agree with you. BIOS is different,but NOT defective and garbage ,as they attack me on "hardwareluxx.de" forum. They in Germany had his own "Guru" and they beleive only to him. They had been surprise and sceptic,how I post BIOS before GB server and act like half closed eyes horses,waiting always for "Jockey" command.
  18. Another 1 hour and will be on GB official site. Edit: All on line. GA-P67A-UD3- B3 - F3
  19. -Solve press reset button cause system abnormal -Implemented "Multi-Steps Load-Line" (UD7/UD5-10 levels). Flash with "Load Optimized Defaults" and clear CMOS. DO NOT use old BIOS profile!!
  20. Yes, all with PLL override. Edit: Modified BIOS to flash back from B3 to B2: http://www.fileden.com/files/2009/12/20/2696817/p67aud7.f8f1.zip http://www.fileden.com/files/2009/12/20/2696817/P67AUD5.f7e1.zip http://www.fileden.com/files/2009/12/20/2696817/p67aud4.f8i1.zip Thanks to Mayak. Added: GA-P67A-UD7 - F8 GA-P67A-UD5 - F7
  21. GA-P67A-UD7-B3 - F3 GA-P67A-UD5-B3 - F3 GA-P67A-UD4-B3 - F3 GA-P67A-UD3P-B3 - F3 GA-P67A-UD3R-B3 - F3 (waiting for UD3-B3...) GA-PH67A-UD3-B3 - F3
  22. Massman, please take out "no pll override" from first page for: - P67A-UD4 bios (F3d1): (no pll override)(B3-BIOS mod by Mayak, click for info) All new UDx-B3 BIOS's are with pll override.
  23. Mayak...THANKS A LOT!!!! Anything you need just post or PM me.
  24. Thanks,only CPU-Z, but ET6 and AIDA show P67A-UD7-B3! Can you ask mayak which hex editor he use? Thanks a lot.
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