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  1. Any testing done to see how far you could push HBM on air?
  2. final bump from me..
  3. Had two back in the nF2 days.. replaced caps on one for a friend about a year ago with bigger higher rated ones, it has been pushed to 260fsb and cpu to 2750 @ 2.1v on air. Have two nF7's still, both have gone north of 260 but one cannot supply more than 2.15v to cpu/nb stably (CPU vreg's also feed northbridge on nForce 2) and the other needs vdimm mosfet bypassed because it caught fire and fell off the board..... 250mhz is decent for nF2 with 2x256 or 2T.
  4. bump, his scores are hugely bugged or there's a problem identifying how many cpu's he's got. Maybe he has a quad setup but 5340's are only capable of DP. Need a way to select number of CPU's/cores used maybe? edit Look at reported voltage and number of CPU's reported by Wprime. L2 reports incorrectly in CPU-Z as well.
  5. Would be better to make user score only the combination of their top scoring runs for each bench. They can have a personal score which is the sum of all their benchmarks for personal use.. but its meaningless beyond that really.
  6. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=597510 Does DP stand for dual processor? There is another selection possible which is "Xeon 5120" but i'm not sure which is the correct option. Might it be a good idea to add a tab which allows the user to select the number of processors used? Adding more results, will watch this thread and change if needed I guess.
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