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Everything posted by Jazzman@

  1. Can be closed, thanks for the space
  2. Last Bundel is sold, still some Ram remaining
  3. Pending with delly on the slot A Bundel, so he is first . If he does not want it i will pm you... Shipping within europe is 17€, in Germany 7€ Good too know that the stuff arrived
  4. Fans and some more boards are sold, Ram still available
  5. 20€ incl. shipping
  6. Can be closed
  7. Hi, i am looking for a cheap i5 (i5-5675 or i5-6500), for my gaming rig, so no OC necessary. And for a copper VGA Cooler Kind regards Jazzmanq
  8. Nr. 1,2,10 reserved for Don Dan
  9. I could offer you a NF4 SLI DR if you are interested...
  10. Ultra D and the Slot 1 Bundel are sold
  11. They are all 2 x 1024 MB Kits hm, i'll inform myself what i need to do to ship it to the USA, customs and so on
  12. Due to the lack of time and Skill i am going to sell all of my remaining Hardware. Mainboards/Bundels: 1) DFI nf4 SLI DR (Socket 939)Boxed with accessories: 40€ sold 2) DFI Lanparty UT nF3 250GB (Socket 754) Boxed with accessories: 30€ sold 3) DFI nf4 Ultra D (Socket 939) comes with a Thermalright Chipset cooler and a CPU, bought as working, never tested: 20€ sold 4) Asus TUSL 2C Sockel 370 Bundel with Ram, Celeron 1,2 GHZ Tualatin + Pentium iii 1,13 ghz Tualatin and CPU fan: 30€ sold 5) Asus P3BF Slot 1 Bundel with Ram, Sockel 370 adapter, CPU fan and 15-20 CPUs: 30€ sold 6) Gigabyte GA 7IXE (Slot A) incl. Ram and CPU: 20€ sold 7) Asus A7N8X (Socket A), just the Board: 5€ sold DDR2: 7) Crucial Lanfest DDR2 in OVP, Micron Chips: 30€ 8) OCZ Reaper DDR2 1200, Micron Chips: 30€ 9) GSkill DDR2 800 PC2-6400 GBHZ, In OVP, Micron Chips: 15€ 10) Adata Vitesta Extreme DDR2 1000, New from RMA, Micron Chips: 30€ sold 11) Mushkin PC2-8500 2x1GB Micron D9 Chips Price: 15€ SD-Ram: 12) 2x Apacer PC133 CL 2 2x256 MB Kit: 10€ (per Kit) 13) Kingston PC133 CL2 2x512 MB Kit: 20€ sold Fans: 6x Delta AFB 1212SH fan: 20€ for all sold I would trade this stuff for A Skylake Bundel (of course with additional Payment), DDR4, A Silverstone Fortress 03 or 05, a newer Videocard, or some Copper VGA Cooler. Shipping only within Europe! Shipping with DHL or Hermes. All Prices exclusive shipping! Payment only per bank tranfer or Paypal, shipping from Germany. Private sale, no warranty or returns!
  13. Still looking...
  14. Hey, i am looking for a cooper VGA Cooler... Thanks in advance
  15. For DDR2 testing are UD3P and UD3R the best, great memory compability . PM will come soon
  16. Sorry for the late reply, i had a lot of work on me Both Kits für 30Euro; + shipping so should be around 40Euro; incl. shipping I could also sell you some Crucial anniversary or Team groupe dark, but i did not test them because you were especially looking for 16FD5. Even if they are just hynix they should perform a bit and will probably not need as much voltage as TCCD would... Tested on a Gigagbyte P45 UD3P
  17. Thats all that stands on them: MODHYBF3H4740K1G0Z DDR 500(3) 512 MB+16 SN: 435XR(HYBJC1916) Sorry but i do not have the Exquipment (and time) to test them right know. The DDR2 system was still up and running so i could do it . So i would let them go for cheap...
  18. I can reupload the screen, it was too big so the forum did not allow me to upload it...seems i reduced the size too much Yes it is 391,8. It did 380 with 2,00V so... . I can try to look under the Heatspreader of the Adatas... That kit is really not used much and this was probably just the second time that i tried the oc it. They might be not as good as the old ones, but performs well .
  19. So the Rams are the new ones without the clips, but perform quiet well... (391 mhz at 3 2 2 8, CR is 1T in Bios). I found the Adata DDR1 500, but i am not sure if they are TCCD or Hynix Chips on it... Still interested?
  20. There is also a Socket 775 Version of that Board which i used . Ok i will start testing tomorrow and will let you know what i get ...
  21. Sorry that was some kind of typo, meant Crucial in general. Well i'll see what the ram can do and if they suit you
  22. Sorry i am on vaccation right know, can tell you more Details when i am back . I should also have a Adata DDR1 500 Kit which might have TCCD Chips if you are interessted... Ok i used a Asrock Dual Sata 2 and the best working Ram were Cellshocks, Tracers only caused problems. I do not know how it looks with your Board and Bios... just my two cents
  23. I should have some D9G Kits left, and also one 16FD5. Other kits are not interessting? OCZ Reaper, Mushkin, GSKill GBHZ, Tracer, Cellshock... I can test and send you more information in August.
  24. Jazzman@

    Clearing out

    Thanks for the space, can be closed and moved
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