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Everything posted by OcGenie

  1. Thank for your anwser ok for the firt time clon 22 no sumit superpi32 score and is a steep normal for testing systeme stabylity!!! and not have screenshoot? It's normal?
  2. Yes is not normal CLON'22 viodeo is online......
  3. Can you stop or delete the video of clon because is a cheater and don't have super pi validation is not normal is second !!! this is nont normal 1 week ago Please help me massman....
  4. in your video time 1.18 all is very dark dark. i think do you have fake video. 3 il y a x jours
  5. in your video time 1.18 all is very dark dark. i think do you have fake video. 3 il y a x jours
  6. try whith load optimised default!!
  7. Your post it's not the same of CPUZ What is this video.?? I'm not understand you can't post one time at 3.7 or... and on other time at 4.213. Where you validation CPUZ..!
  8. Your post it's not the same of CPUZ What is this video.?? I'm not understand you can't post one time at 3.7 or... and on other time at 4.213. Where you validation CPUZ..!
  9. You forget Load optimise defautd retry a new video. Your are out of RULES!
  10. yes exactly you can't have 24* whith oc genie....what is this video??
  11. I'm not understand why Johnamg is not the same validation on CPU Z . Thanks you
  12. Your post it's not the same of CPUZ What is this video.?? I'm not understand you can't post one time at 3.7 or... and on other time at 4.213. Where you validation CPUZ..!
  13. Thanks friend i m look at in the rule what is not correct but i'm: — power off — pressing OC Genie button — post (with displaying operating frequency!) — boot in windows — clearly show official Wallpaper + CPU-Z tabs (CPU, mainboard and memory) — (for SuperPI-32M: clearly show first 5 loops and while CPU-Z CPU tab is open) its ok thanks at you man. For confirmation can i've the confirmation of the administrator of the challenge...
  14. NO! it's realy 860 .... can you fix that please.
  15. http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=41316&code=Intel%C2%AE+Core%E2%84%A2+i7-860+Processor+%288M+Cache%2c+2.80+GHz%29 that is your cpu at 2.8gigo!! Can you fix that.
  16. sory but you cpu it's realy at 2.8 you see cpu z screen...
  17. sory but you cpu it's realy at 2.8 you see cpu z screen...
  18. I do not understand because the original i7 860 at 2.8GHz and it's 2.530ghz you write! The percentage is not the same ... it's cheating.
  19. I do not understand because the original i7 860 at 2.8GHz and it's 2.530ghz you write! The percentage is not the same ... it's cheating.
  20. What is this video says 3780 and validation say again 3914?? I'm nt understand...
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