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Everything posted by Spacemaster

  1. Dinos22 is the best overcloker in the world and you will not convince me that this is not true. Dinos you know that I love you man, and I will not believe to this Massman person. Massman thank you one more time, and sorry for whole "noise".
  2. @Massman If you look closely all data, all records, you can find this: http://www.hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/p8p67_pro http://www.hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/ga_p67a_ud7 http://www.hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/p67a_gd65 ASUS have more records (more than 20% comparing to GIGABYTE), and UD7 is competing with P8P67 PRO for first place!? This is no showing anything? If you say NO, in that case this post has even less sense- http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=91725&postcount=3'>http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=91725&postcount=3 Just to be 100% precise, I am not challenging you, you know that I respect you. My point is that this post (http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=91725&postcount=3) do not showing anything and for the overclockers this is not important at all. But from MSI point of view this is OK for marketing, because they using this to make noise like "we have best P67 MB in the whole world for overclokers" - http://forum.benchmark.rs/showthread.php?244834-MSI-Sandy-Bridge&p=2444585&viewfull=1#post2444585 All of you know that this is not true. So my question is: HW BOT is agreeing with this MSI statement? One more time: “MSI have best P67 MB in the whole world for overclockers”
  3. Come on Please check first three results for all shown benchmarks and make conclusion. This MSI calculation is not saying anything
  4. CPU= 2600K 3D (single card) and 2D test... 13= ASUS 1= GIGABYTE ... MODBREAK: removed useless comparison from ASUS MKT that bases brand quality comparison based on the result of a single golden CPU[/url]
  5. tomorrow night is the end
  6. Thank You All My Friends, We Will Do Our Max To Make It Best Of The Best This Year
  7. ASUS is i the game again Please let me know, which memory you are using. Thanks in advance
  8. Hi mate. Do you have problem with this cpu with EVGA. I have same (3.07) CPU like you but no post. With ASUS P6T6 WS CPU is working. Do you made "mod" like with Xeon 6 core for this MB?
  9. Hi mate. Do you have problem with this cpu with EVGA. I have same (3.07) CPU like you but no post. With ASUS P6T6 WS CPU is working. Do you made "mod" like with Xeon 6 core for this MB?
  10. My team do not have flag, so can we use our logo for flag? Can some do this for us?
  11. Can some1 change my username to Spacemaster plase?
  12. Is this must be setup for Vbulletin, because I can find post_key ? P.S Can you rename my nickname to Spacemaster please
  13. Where are I can find information for the post_key=&auth_key=&f= in vBulletin forum. I go to edit hwbot ranking post, than View Page source, but can not find any of this post_key=&auth_key=&f= information.
  14. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=506069 Thanks in advance! :wave:
  15. So no solution?
  16. We wait half year for solution, please when the IPB problem can be resolved?
  17. Thanks and thanks
  18. Yes I can http://www.sx-team.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2751
  19. Thanks in advance...
  20. Any progress with HWBOT and IPB? Any answer?
  21. We install latest version because security, and downgrading forum version is not possible in this moment . So if I do copy/paste the order is mix up http://www.sx-team.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1391&pid=11082&st=0entry11082
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