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Everything posted by vavra222

  1. I have Radeon 9800se. Somehow i feel huge need to OC it like hell, it is allready dying Gpu - but what the hell. I will give this card one, last and pretty powerful heartbeat!
  2. thanks. now i see how stupid i was when i didnt figured thid out, it is pretty simple. thanks very much
  3. That´s wierd, my Cpu is Intel Dual-Core...
  4. Hi, your Cpu appears to have same issue with showing it´s frequency, mine also showed 120mhz @ 200x6.But it´s wierd, because the test result appears to be correct for 3ghz speed, mine was correct only after i manually OC´d it.
  5. I was searching on Gigabyte web and found latest bios, which was same as my actual one, so yes i have actualized bios . When i was checking MB´s Cpu compatibility list, E5700 wasn´t even there, that is not very good sign. But i am now happy because i know that CPU-Z was ok and was correct about my Cpu speed, now i am @ 3378Mhz, 1,300 V (Wprime 1.55=24,119 sec) and it seems to be stable, so at last i am doing real OC , really thank you guys that you helped me to discover this blasphemy . I think about a new cooler for Cpu so i can finally reach some good clocks. By the way, if you have some info about non-official bios for Gigabyte 945GZM-S2, rev. 2.2 i would be amazed, but so far i haven´t found any better bios for my MB. Thank you again for helping me!
  6. Thanks very much! This is what i have been searching for. A proof that my MoBo is slowing down my CPU, it will allow it to only use about 1.075 V!! And now i have set manually voltage to the max. and set FSB to 270x11.5 and i have almost same 32M time - 26.069. So i guess i have to buy a new MB which won´t slow down my CPU that much. This is insane, freaking Gigabyte, i thought they are good MB manufacturers...
  7. So, can someone poste me the result of 32M test in WPrime 2.04?? In stock frequency of course, it would help me alot.
  8. Hi, can i ask you something? Why is CPU-Z showing that your CPU is only at 2052Mhz? I have same problem, Cpu-Z won´t show correct frequency and i don´t know what to do about it. How did you figured taht 4ghz out? What is the reason to double Cpu-Z reported speed? (hope you understand me)
  9. Okay, i OC´d Cpu to somewhere which is now supposed to be 3Ghz (now 280x11). But it raised a bit frequency of Ram memories and i have nothing to do about it, so i will see if it can run. Temps are a bit higher, but when playing GTA4 temp is max. 65°Celsius. I am still not sure how long it will work untill system freeze or BSOD so i raised voltage to the max - 1.288. I will try to test it by regular work. Btw is it possible that my MoBo is slowing down CPU? Maybe it is too fast or there is bad compatibility between them. Btw2: I ran Wprime 2.04 with OC´d CPu and got 29.175 seconds in 23M test. so performance is alot better. But still, with default clocks i was able to play games smoothly (Gforce GT240 1gb) so i don´t know if my PC just shows CPU speed incorrectly or if CPU managed run like that even if underclocked. sorry for my bad engrysh.
  10. EIST - enhanced intel speedstep is turned off. In my bios, i am only allowed to change FSB frequency (stock is 200) but multiplier is locked and is not even shown there. I tried to force FSB multiplier via software to be 15x, but system was pretty unstable. I also was playing games with this procesor in this strange stock frequency, and it was pretty good - so i wasn´t curious about it because i believed that the performance is adequate to 3ghz procesor. But when i tried to do some OC, i found out this. Btw i ran Wprime 2.04. In 32M test i got 75,317 seconds.
  11. I have this one using Gigabyte 945gzm-s2 MoBo. Procesor is said to be running at 3ghz, but Cpu-Z and even when Bios is loading is showing me only 1200Mhz (200x6 - but it is supposed to be 200x15). I thought it was only Idle frequency, but Cpu-Z is showing me 1200Mhz even if CPU is in 100% load, and turning on/off those features for low temp and power consumption won´t change anything. Can someone send me an screenshot from some kind of CPU benchmark using this CPU at correct frequency so i can compare it? My email is "vavra222@seznam.cz" so you can send me your screenies there or post it htere, it doesn´t matter.
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