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Everything posted by dimedevil

  1. Relax dude, I'm sure the other teams already scored way better than ours , they're just waiting for the right time
  2. I see, thanks for the explanation
  3. Hello, I'm pretty new here, so I didn't quite understand about the rules of hardware sharing. For Stage 2(3DMark2001SE IGP) and stage 5(Heaven DX9 GF2xx), is it OK to share our motherboards and RAM within the team ? Warm Regards, dimedevil
  4. @ richba5tard : Thx mate, now i can submit my score
  5. Hello guys, is there any problem with the server? Me and my team-mate already tried to submit ucbench score but always getting a server error in the past 1 hour. Did anybody had the same problem? Thanks, PS : this is the error i'm getting : tried add/remove the '2011' but it wont work..
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