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About findir-spb

  • Birthday 05/28/1957


  • Location
    St/Petersburg, Russia.


  • realname
    Oleg Sidorov

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findir-spb's Achievements


Apprentice (3/14)

  • Dedicated Rare
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  1. Хорош! Поздравляю с отличным результатом!
  2. Hello!

    I'm impressed with your brilliant victory in the first round of Challenger 2021 Div VIII. Will you participate in the 3rd round, I would not like to be left alone.


    1. TerraRaptor


      Если будет 2Д, то явно поучаствую в одном из дивизионов. С 3Д у меня проблемы, чаще всего - карт особо нет и нет особого желания покупать что-то новее нвидии 7ххх.

    2. findir-spb
  3. "2 submissions required" means that must be at least 2 participants from each team?
  4. Submission for PYPrime - 2b with BenchMate at 28.510 sec with screenshot at 27.851 sec.
  5. Hello! I made a submission, but file was not recognized. It was saved by benchmate without mistakes and comments, but was not recognized by hwbot server. Screenshot is attached.
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