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  1. + for this ; nice dominator kits & 6800gto.
  2. Thanks Turrican
  3. Add Asus P5P800 ; it's not the same as P5P800SE SE can run dual core cpu's, vanilla not ( vrm change ). http://valid.canardpc.com/2750120 Thanks
  4. I use 32 bit XP and I have this installed.
  5. XP SP2 and SP3
  6. With new version I have the same problem.
  7. Try another one, but with vdimm mod, You see better score. Anyway for E0 air cooling this is very good. @ Havli : 1.5v isn't too mouch for Prescott. I done all my 3D test with G1 @ 42XX - 4300 include 3D 06 cpu test with IC7, without mod's. Smth is wrong with Your P4C800.
  8. Yes what mb are You used ? I also have G1 and it can do 4300 @ 3D @ air. Valid smth like 4500 ... not 52XX MHz
  9. Most of the world does not care about 939 or 478, but this is one of most fun to bench platform, I'm not include 775 OC a cheap 1.8Ghz to 3GHz, or more is better for me, than clocking Ivy, or smth like change multi, up vcore and You have score ; ofc if You have nice chip People are getting mobile devices, and nothing can change this. I'm also planning to buy smth only for net browsing, but another one, or two systems, must be for overclocking. Of course some overclockers, are gone, but look ; family, ... This can take a lot of time, a lot mouch than oc, and I understund this, because this is mouch better Anyway is private problems, work ...
  10. Not bad at all What KHX do You have ? Or this is normal Kingston mem.
  11. Hard to beat with 478 G1 and air ... Good run & nice cpu @ ddr2
  12. I miss smth, or You are running 1 x FX -57. Please correct this sub ... Thanks.
  13. How can I run this bench ? XP Sp3 say, this is not valid Windows application. Something in my xp, isnt installed ?
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