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Everything posted by techjesse

  1. You bet I'll drip your name! "Scott" what do you do all day? Look for a small err in the submissions? I compete against you, but you mess with a Valid submission! All the "Results" can be read in the URL! It is not invalid! I ran it and beat you!
  2. Yes, I selected 2x and it posted 1x so I removed it and posted it again, it did the same thing, I edited to show 2x here's the link http://hwbot.org/submission/2344465_ I posted a valid url to PCMark 2005 and two screenshots, I used a lot of Dry Ice to get this score. Here's the link for one http://hwbot.org/submission/2343967_techjesse_pcmark_2005_core_2_q6600_(2.4ghz)_20682_marks and the link for the other that was reported http://hwbot.org/submission/2342620_techjesse_pcmark_2005_core_2_e6550_(2.33ghz)_14272_marks can something be done about this without running them all over again? I put a lot of time and money into my submissions.
  3. Also Mr.Scott reported two of my VALID submissions, http://hwbot.org/moderator/reported What is SS? Both of these submissions are valid, see the links and pics.
  4. When I make a submission using two GTX 580's the results come up as 1 GTX 580, I edit the submission and the screenshot is gone. Also it reduced my points when I should have more.
  5. Sure, here it is. When I click on "Participate" it gives an error. http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu2/techjesse/MultiThreaded%20Mayhem/Desktop_2013_01_08_09_46_44_797_zps529e00dd.jpg http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu2/techjesse/MultiThreaded%20Mayhem/Desktop_2013_01_08_09_47_42_823_zps8f41adf0.jpg
  6. Thanks for fixing this,
  7. I'm having a problem making a submission, it say's "Sorry, an error occured. Please try again or contact the HWBOT crew". Here is the link http://hwbot.org/submission/2342591_
  8. Thank You for the clarification
  9. Here's a pic http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu2/techjesse/Gaming%20Pics/IMG_1545_zps200e8636.jpg
  10. Hi Guys, I have a question. I have been using a Thermaltake Water 2.0 Extreme Liquid CPU Cooler AIO (All in One) on my CPU and making submissions as "Water Cooling" yet I read that one person is using a AIO also and submitting as "air". My question, are AIO's classified as a watercooling rig or as air cooling rig for submissions?
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