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Everything posted by memorex182

  1. 1950.3 its mega mhz but but what is the difference if read on my memory says 1866 but is much lower in cpuz why so 1950.3mhz if ucould buy a memory with that it will be 300000mhz thats relly sick how they get so high
  2. now the score is okay sorry that fail i make
  3. i have change it but its still there why are memory so shit to understand sorry but bios say another thing and i mix it its a big fail sorry
  4. my bios says my memory are 2370 MHz and why its so low in windows
  5. hyper x beast are great memory very good to oc =))
  6. i need help DDR3 SDRAM at 1866MHz why it be 853.4 MHz I don't understand it
  7. damn 2 core and 5,756.7MHz it not Works with me i have core i7 3820 and 2 core setup i set cpu vcore to 1.600 and turbo ratio 43 and BCLK Frequency 131.1 are it digipower shut it Down so it not works
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