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  1. not to detract from a great score and accomplishment, but team EVGA used illegal hardware the board and cards that they used were announced on the 31st and are not available for purchases and are preorder only cards- http://www.evga.com/products/moreinfo.asp?pn=01G-P3-1190-AR board- http://www.evga.com/products/moreinfo.asp?pn=170-BL-E762-A1 the rules are there are only preorders so it is not available
  2. this is not a video card problem im not sure why thats there, sorry
  3. Ticket ID: 370 Priority: Low i was banned from my own team (not sure when) then when i logged in today i had to get some1 on the team to unban we and rejoin. but my points and trophies no longer show on the team.
  4. shouldent it be by GPU though, its 3 rv770 and thats closest to 3 4870, and since they clock the same when oced... and the 4870x2 scores the same clock for clock as the 4870
  5. since u can use like cards in crossfireX so that u could have a 2900 and or 38x0 in xfire what card would u list for your bench mark sicne u can only select 1 card name sorry if this is the wrong section
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