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  1. @Sweet If I just open up the Limitations from the Country Cup there is no single word about that https://hwbot.org/competition/country%20cup%202023GPU/stage/5731_3dmark_-_speed_way " LIMITATIONS Use 1 videocard core(s) in total. A VALID UL benchmarks verification link is required (Systeminfo 5.68) A verification screenshot is required, using the official background, score, CPU-Z 2.08 tabs for CPU, motherboard & memory and GPU-Z. tab Add a picture of your benching setup" Just as an info....
  2. As mentioned in the comment I added, there was no information about using ECC (for the challenge), so I turned it off. If you mods think to delete the result, just do it. And make some explicit info in the rules for the benchmarks.
  3. Submission was done with Benchmate. There is No Option to fill in the cooling so I edited the result (because of Report)
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