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  1. Hi. First post here, so hello everyone ^^ I got two new 4670k from amazon today. As weird as it is, i got two totally different batches, and of course plan to try them out and see what oc i can squeeze from them. - Costa Rica batch: 3315B355 - Malay batch: L316B421 I tried a quick search to see if anyone got the same batch to compare my future results but got nothing out of it. Do you have any informations about these batches? Also, I'm quite paranoïd about getting DOA product so I don't open it and usually ask for an exchange when an item box is damaged. Among the two processors i got, one box has a cut from a cutter on the box, and said box also has a damaged corner as if somebody made it fall on the ground (the costa rica processor box is 100% clean in comparison). If that happened, could it have damaged the processor in it??? Here's two pictures: What do you think about it? Should i ask for a new one? It doesn't cost me anything where i live because Amazon just swap items without question when a customer finds that an item box is damaged. Thank you in advance!
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