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looze last won the day on June 23 2024

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  1. Hmm weird... At least one advantage for ambient 😅
  2. Good scores there! What's the point of the slow RAM clk? Cold issues?
  3. Good scores there! What's the point of the slow RAM clk? Cold issues?
  4. Yeah, I re-benched all X299 yc with the chiller, this was the first one... It stll has a little headroom if VDIMM goes high enough. The 7800X that we benched last summer hates everything >1.64v which is annoying. Not yet tested how good this one goes. Anyway, time for you to replug this one with new YC
  5. Thanks, that chip is fun! Seems these 12V/20A are 20 amps added to the 'normal' OCP limit. However I did not configure anything else.
  6. Nice one, good work! Almost as heavy as X299 xD
  7. Very nice result and thanks for CC2024 contribution! Please check: Task bar must be visible, otherwise this result might be considered invalid. Thanks!
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