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  1. Try to set 1.18 and 45X , the only way to compare the 2 cpus.
  2. But with vcore set to auto and showed in cpuz? If so, It is not so much.
  3. I have just triyed only 4.5ghz, Rock solid with 1.18vcore under linx 0.6.4, ibt and aida64 http://imageshack.com/a/img822/9313/tbrt.jpg My cpu boot and bench to 4.8ghz with 1.25 but not yet stressed in that frequency. I'll do soon. I didn't tryed to go up the 4.8ghz, i don't want to broke nothing yet , but i need to test i think. PS My batch is L333B987 A question, should be better to allow the idle reduction frequency and vcore or its better to be always on the maximus frequency and vcore (in idle too)? I'm thinking that it is not so good to allow the CPU frequency and the vcore to go up and down continuously.... or it is not a problem for the cpu? Thanks
  4. But how seems my one? It's a average one or it a quite good one? 5.24 with 1.43 it's good, really... a lot of chips don't boot as well with 5ghz .
  5. Ok understand, my one is 1.024 ... but i think that it is a good cpu, what you think about mine? I know that it is not a gold one(like your), i think for 5ghz i need 1.3v more o less.
  6. 0966 for X45? Or you meaning the idle vid? http://valid.canardpc.com/agu5vl
  7. 45X boot and 32 with 1.16v http://valid.canardpc.com/yp9erb 1.18v Rock Solid 45X http://imageshack.com/a/img822/9313/tbrt.jpg I like, not so bad i think.
  8. My new one L333B987 I just made only 2 boot tests, tried X49 and boot with 1.30(maybe less), X45 boot with 1.19 (maybe more low), tomorrow i'll try other tests and write the results http://valid.canardpc.com/agu5vl http://valid.canardpc.com/r8t5lu It seems better than my old Costa http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=288742&postcount=874
  9. Hi all, i'm new from Italy , i have two Costa with batch 3326C522 , the best one of this 2 is stable under Aida64 stress on air to 45X and 1.31v. It bench and SP32 pass with 1.28v. Boot to 4.8ghz and do sp32 with 1.42v. No boot to 4.9 or 5ghz. Tomorrow will arive a batch L333B987 from Malesya, i really hope that will be a good batch (Hope 1.25 @ 50X) I can chose one of this too: L333B986 L319B923 L319B925 L333B987 Nobody know nothing about this batchs? Thanks
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