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  1. 165uss = 20L my own dewar -.- (no shipping)
  2. Que hacesssssss zabijaaaaaaaa. Lo de desconectar el monitor es una prueba mas de que la PC que esta funcionando es la que esta conectada al monitor, nada mas. Saludos!
  3. Me alegro verte bencheando de nuevo Alex. Saludos!
  4. Gracias Luis! Vamos a ver que mas sale Saludos!
  5. Ticket ID: 667 Priority: High Please add this CPU to hwbot database. Thanks. VanDynck\r\n\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=820248
  6. i'm lost 7 hardware points
  7. This user: http://hwbot.org/user.do?userId=6067 Have a lot of wrong results please do something!! Example: X1800 XT and X1800GTO2 dont show the especific model only the "X1800 Series" from 3DM. GMA950: no image, no screenshot, no link, no nothing!!! And a lot of results are the same wrong. This user is a joke!!
  8. One of my results has been blocked. This was the reason the user gave: not valid screenshot. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=708456 What is the difference of my screenshot and this?: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=588947 Thanks for your help. PD: sorry but my english is realy poor.
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