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  1. i have to give up on my endeavors lol. after doing this the hardway only to have xfx dick the limited black edition owners with an unlocked gaming black edition. wtf lmao. never seen so many black editions in my life. literally same card except the newer one kicks the usb-c port for another display port and +200 cclock. i admit that i fell rather full force on my face at my attempt to benchmark and everything. looks like i may need to take a step back read up a bit more. sorry guys. =(
  2. have to agree with chrispy. only change to my last benchmark and the one i ran just a few minutes ago is the the new driver. I was pretty reluctant but Im happy with this one. im going to read up a little bit more. just waiting on documentation from XFX because apparently aside of the scu numbers there is a huge difference between the two XFX black editions. i ll link the two. has to do with one having more efficient vrms and being able to hold a higher voltage.. https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/64342155? holy shit i stand corrected. there are now 3 black edition variants. just did a quick copy paste edit. my contact at xfx kinda leaked but he didnt lol. no officially at least. he said the limited black editions were originally supposed to come watercooled but their was a backorder on the gpu waterblock plates and those went to the asus cards instead.(all speculation tho) maybe i can get some help if some of you on here have the other two. i have the limited black edition. need some simple benchmarks and numbers on the other two. just so i can put together a proper review of sorts. thats the update tho.
  3. well its been a minute sorry for the delay. was offered a chance to start finishing up some of my course requirements toward my red hat architect certificate. then bombarded with classwork as well as work. will be resuming my oc adventures within the week. with some slight adjustments. and nothing over the top. i decided to take a crack at 3dmark this morning. its nothing amazing. but it's where my starting point is. https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/64059071 only modded the mpt for max power 360w up from 289 and 375 on the tdc.. also random update. turns out that xfx released 2 different versions of the black edition. which somehow i received the higher binned version. which explains a lot as to why my card never shows up bios check either on techpowerup or even 3dmark. my manufacturer never shows up. hope everyone is doing well and sorry again for the delay =)
  4. ok so update. so after watching and reading the debauer 2x8pin out vs 3x8pin out based on what he and others have said. is that if the 8pins actually follow ATX specs there is really no difference in power or limits for 2vs 3. also was able to actually reach customer care at kingpin and was able to get 8pin to 8 pin upgraded cables. will test them with ohm meter when they arrive to see if there is actual difference or i got ripped off hehe. Debauer did say tho that those cables from the manufacturer of the psu are ok tho. mainly each wire pcie 6+2 can hold 150-170 easily. since theres 75 coming from the pcie to begin with (i totally forgot about that when i was adding lol) so unless im putting like 500watts to the card which isnt hard tho. 3d mark i drew 480 plus before i BSODd. a few weeks ago. anyways thats the update on the 2 vs 3 pinout. which is good to know so i wont be scared to push this card. probably on monday i ll start logging the benching. and prelim tests. have a good weekend everyone. added a picture of how my rig is setup right now. nothin fancy.
  5. hey folks, sorry its been a few days. so this is what i know so far after talking to a few people amongst the forums. the xfx merc 319 black edition is an actual reference card design which now actually makes sense as to why it has the 2x8pinout instead of the factory oc'd 3x8pinouts. just doing a little more research on my end before i start doing full on testing to the limits. i do however have a question. does anyone know of any aftermarket psu 8pin out cables that exceed the recommended 150watt per cable. I understand that good psus can easily push 300w per cable, but the cable itself isnt rated for 150watts. i dunno if that makes sense haha. i mean i have a good psu i have 1300watt titanium 80 from seasonic. but im more worried about the cable itself. any suggestions? so far with basic testing and benching, using the mpt tool just using the soft power play tables. I am able to easily run 360w @ 375amps (following the calculations for watt and amperage found on igorslab one of the forum posts) which then allows me to raise the minimum cclock and near the limit of the card. which is 2660. i can push it to 2580 before the temp trips wattman to restart. if i dont move the minimum the card crashes at 2450. and ps. i will gladly accept any ideas or variations for testing so it can be as complete as possible. thanks guys (dont roast me for the no pics its just the beginnning. ill be posting full documentation with pics. ) ok new info with this edit. about 20 minutes after iposted this one. found the derbauer 8pin out discussion. just wanted to edit this for transparency with you guys following it.
  6. the reason behind that within the bios there is a line of code that references a vrm that the xtx does not physically have. its actually a safety feature that was implemented. not for your safety but to ensure you buy the xtxh =p. i forgot where i read it.
  7. hi guys, so i finally got my rig up and running. i ll just post what i have so far. will be running a lot of tests in weeks to come especially when i get the custom waterblock from once i receive it. just ran it out of the box since it took me almost all week troubleshooting the 5800x. i read on the first page about someone getting the xfx but nothing yet. so i ll gladly share my findings with my xfx black edition. cheers guys! https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/61603327
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