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V i N k

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Everything posted by V i N k

  1. Live na Live! Parabéns Teclab e RBuass E o gatinho choro!
  2. Really? I don't remember to joined in this team... Please, someone can explain me what's happening here?
  3. Thank you!
  4. Here the same...
  5. #Christian Ney I tryied "recalculate points and achievements" like you answered other guy, but the issue persists. Can you help me? Thank you!
  6. The achievement "Overclocking" baby was not unlocked for me. I tried recalculate, but it wasn't work. I think that it's wrong because I'm +100 on novice league. Can someone help me, please? Thx!
  7. #massman I would like to change my Nickname from vinibio to V i N k please.
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