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Everything posted by Soorena

  1. sorry man but i think you have no info about what you talking about, theere is 2 type of cooling in HWBOT, 1. extreme 2. ambient Extremes : LN2 , LHe , Cascades , TECs Ambients : stock cooling, air cooling, watercooling my cooling is watercooling that i cooled down its radiator with the help of Ice if you like to play with the word "ambient" here is not a place for it! all the cooling that are not Extreme are ambients! it's better to leave it to Mods,
  2. we have no Intel warranty in iran. deliding the chip is the only way to get good temp witout worrying about warranty if you did not delid your chip and your chip is not a lovo chip, there is no way to compete with others and bench on high clocks, i bought this chip and delided it only for benching in water or aircooling league,not for 24/7 using, so spending money on it, no intel warranty, deliding , they are not oposit of each other if you wanted to show your point, maybe "spend extra money on a chip without warranty and delining it" in your opinion, is not normal, and you want to tell " because it is not normal so it will be impossible for a guy to "does that​.
  3. i dont know why people say i used waterchiller, A. i just used a continer full of Ice (that you can find in your refrigerator) and put the Watercooler's Radiator in that container and it makes temps bellow 10C in Idle and always i make sure that container is full of Ice! http://img.techpowerup.org/140711/pc.jpg B. if you did not delid your chip your Idle and Load temps will be still high, so i delided my chip! C. i bought my chip from a local forum as a "Low voltage chip" and spent more than a new 4770k price i think these things are not against the Rules! but if the mods don't think the same i will remove my subs ​
  4. water + ice http://img.techpowerup.org/140711/pc.jpg
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