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  1. Pretty sure you have a golden sample to be doing this on stock cooling, but also, clean up your 3DMark listings... almost half of the top 100 scores are yours my dude, lol.
  2. I am looking through 4090 results to compare setups and see why my scores are terrible (besides me being terrible and/or having not-good silicon), and I've already found a couple of non-ECC results with missing or cropped screens. I'm reporting them as I go along, but I guess fair warning to mods to check those reports to make sure I'm making valid reports, and to the people posting them that they will need to re-run and re-submit correct results. Do I need to do anything more, and also, am I a dick for doing so?
  3. Not valid, did not realize ECC was disabled by default.
  4. Not valid, did not realize ECC was not enabled by default.
  5. Did not realize ECC was disabled by default. Please delete result while I delete card, because it performs like absolute crap with ECC enabled.
  6. Literally stock and just trying to figure out how Benchmate works.
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