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    Glen Britton

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  1. http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=120598&page=6 edit i think the post has now been pulled
  2. http://www.tekheads.co.uk/s/product?product=606362 now thats extreme
  3. http://www.hexus.net/content/item.php?item=6634
  4. yes it looks good, just posted another message interestingly the x1950xtx card works with a standard x1900 mastercard in crossfire, might be a bit of an administrative prob for hwbot though to categorise the score with mixed cards
  5. "From DH: The good news for people who own an X1900 Crossfire Master card is that it is possible to add a X1950XTX to the system and Crossfire works. In fact crossfire works much better than expected with the X1950/X1900 mixture. We had expected scores from the mixed card CF to be almost the exact same as true X1900 crossfire however the mixed card system provided some excellent increases, especially in Oblivion." extract from a thread link on xs http://www.driverheaven.net/reviews/X1950XTXreview/
  6. these cards look good but if you got x1900 cards already i'd advise to wait for the next generation of cards as the performance increase on the x1900xt's seems to be 5-8% http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?p=1694273#post1694273
  7. here it is , it is quick but not mind blowingly so http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=112780 video of above just look at the smoking ln2 , these guys are crazed http://www.metacafe.com/watch/219376/test_ln2_pctuner_net_maxxx_alex_ta_italy/ also kinc has tested it on air http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=112771
  8. strangely enough the pc 10000 is not available yet, i bet they have problems getting it to run stably at those frequencies as on most conroe boards even getting 1066 is something of an achievement , i like the heatsinks on these though, and the fan cooling looks quite decent , but i must admit i think a 120mm fan over does the same job, the sweetspot on conroes seems to be between 420-480mhz (840-960ddr) on the memory , so i think they'd be better concentrating on that on tightening the timings up , but maybe on future conroe boards pc10000 will be possible with a high cpu speed http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/Corsair_XMS2_Memory.html#amy_2d118_2dcs
  9. i know what you mean but at the moment the x1900xt crossfire both cards (master and slave) can be bought for a little bit more than a single 7950gx2 , but as we all know theres always something else round the corner whenever you buy anything i have 1900crossfire and i must say they are powerful but not as straight forward to set up
  10. put one of these on one of the new 7950gt's coming out and you've got a powerful set up without spending mega bucks
  11. http://www.tekheads.co.uk/s/product?product=606238 first ones i've seen for sale looks like a good quality piece of kit, but with 2 of these cards in you need plenty of space between the cards
  12. i have this board and its been troublesome right from the start fsb wall of 380 unless a 4;3 memory divider was used then if your lucky you'd get to 400, i have just corrupted the bios chip on mine when i tried a beta bios in search of an update i was just about to take the board out and put it over my knee when i saw this on xs http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=111725 it appears the bugs have been ironed out now and the dfi definitely has the best range of voltages of any other conroe board 2.65 memory , 1.9 i think vcore and 1.75 nb volts and even with it at 400fsb and 4;3 memory divider it was still quick, so i have ordered a new bios chip with ok bios on it seems all the conroe boards have had a lot of bugs but i think nows the time when we are going to see the best come out
  13. i suffer unfortunately from a need to permanently have to mess around with settings either in bios or in the operating system and with with my current motherboard which is or should i say was a dfi infinity 975x has always had a duff bios ever since owning it , they have a max fsb wall at 380fsb unless the 4:3 bios memory setting was used , with mine i could run 400fsb at these settings running the memory at ddr600 , there have been a frew bios updates but nothing has fixed it, the asus and others seem to go happily to 430 fsb with a higher memory divider so i had been checking dfi's site daily, then 814 bios came out i thought this could be the one , i went on xs and someone else on there said he tried it and his system would not post afterwards, so i thought i'd leave it then a few hours later i thought screw it i'll try it and you guessed mine was the same after doing a bit of searching i think the boot block is corrupt and as such the only way to get it back is either take out the bios chip and hot flash it or buy another bios chip with correct bios on, i decided to dump this mother and get something else , i suppose the moral of the story is let somebody else try something new before jumping in ,,, dfi later pulled the bios i wonder how many other people f****ed theres up before they pulled it off
  14. yes i think its ok to use it as long as its stated its been used
  15. hi there i think with the top lets say 20 results in 3d01 we should include whether lod has been used as on a 60,000 score on 3d01 it can make 1000-1500 points difference its easily spotted as with a 65000 score nature is generally 500 and odd fps and with lod it can be 800-900fps , just an observation so people get an accurate account of score
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