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  1. Hi no it's not if you want a few pics of the setup I can send.
  2. Honestly i haven't OCd with LN in ages, but all of my submissions were legit. I still have my dewar though, and a really good e8600 to play with.
  3. Damn first time back in a while and this site is taking forever to load anything. Is it the banner ads stalling things?
  4. Is there a limit to the number? Could I call like 20 friends and ask them to get points, and merge all scores into one profile? Sorry to ask so many questions but it seems a weird thing to allow.
  5. So if I'm understanding this correctly there could be one profile that dominates all others like - Kingpin_Andre_Pro_hipro Is that correct?
  6. Hi I'm sure there's a thread about this, but I can't find it. Question - Are multi person profiles like BigStan-XL_Joe-HotZebra-GoLLuMOc in the same pool as single user profiles or are those in a different category?
  7. Okay gotcha, was just a little confused about the functionality of the hundredths field because the example shows three digits. It's no big deal and if it's a pain in the butt you can totally forget about it. A little more on that confusion and why I ask some details - You know when you have all of the elements of a session going at once, cooling, bios settings maxed, tweaks once booted, etc., and you have it at pretty much al maxed... you try a few runs to hone on the max setting it will pass at, get your screen shot and it looks good... I always have the hwbot scores for the HW and bench I'm running sitting right next to me on a laptop so I make sure I can beat it. I'm sure you understand why it's good to know how exactly these submissions will work. That's all. I thank you for you for the great site and answers. Adios!
  8. Does it just round off the score to the nearest .005 automatically?
  9. I suppose I could just get a gigabyte P45 and take all the golds on air. Nah.
  10. I can't. I sold that chip yesterday. I wish I could do that! I don't get why that's not possible to fix though. I could have easily beaten this had I known when the setup was still together (LN, insulation etc.). How was I to know that wasn't a sufficient amount to be in first? Oh well. I think you should at least warn others about this, or did I miss that rule? So back to my topic, do hundredths of seconds count in 1M or not? Yes or no? PS - Not trying to be a pain, just to understand why this doesn't submit correctly and why there's no manual fix on your end.
  11. Hi, I have submitted what I though tto be the winning superpi 1m for Q9650. My score is 9.562 - http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=847700 The listed #1 score is is 9.563 - http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=830806 Can I get that fixed or what?
  12. Hey guys. I'm a member at OCX team and forum and I'm an old guy, so I'm not into dramas. I can tell you there is no BS going on over there that I can see. In fact, I doubt you could get away with that over there. Members are critical of each other, but fair and trusting at the same time. I'm neutral about any past dramas, never paid attention to it. Just want to put my 2 cents in to defend OCX which is not a home of cheaters. I'm siked on the top teams battling back and forth, so let's keep it fun. Peace out to both sides.
  13. No Problem Azz hole. It's one checkbox in the benchmark whiz kid.
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